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Press Releases


adesso poursuit son expansion internationale : nouvelles succursales aux Pays-Bas et en Hongrie

La société de conseil et de services informatiques adesso sera également représentée aux Pays-Bas et en Hongrie à l'avenir. Les deux nouveaux bureaux européens sont situés dans les capitales d'Amsterdam et de Budapest. Ils s'occuperont du déploiement du portefeuille de services du Groupe adesso sur les marchés néerlandais et hongrois.


adesso is on a successful path with its SmartShore service

adesso is once again expanding its SmartShore service, which it launched in mid-2016. Along with the team in Turkey, which has successfully been integrated, the new location in Bulgaria has been providing additional capacity since June of this year. This has allowed the IT service provider to handle the largest individual contract to date in the growing SmartShore services business: adesso is supporting the in-house IT department at a German direct insurer during the introduction of a new portfolio management system and in its daily operations. The total contract volume is around EUR 2.5 million.