More efficiency with Process Automation

Time for the next level


Everyone can answer FAQ, our CEO answers SAQ

Today's business world is characterized by the increasing need to digitize and automate processes. More than ever, companies need to do more with less. Is Process Automation the path to greater efficiency? Yes. But many companies face some challenges.

Do you recognize them too?

Lack of resources and expertise

Seamless automation implementation requires specific expertise and technical resources.

  • Are you facing bottlenecks in expertise?


The market is changing, and integrating the automation solution can be challenging due to the complexity of existing business processes and systems.

  • What strategy are you using to address this?

Lack of acceptance within the company

Change, especially automation, can lead to resistance from employees, even more if they have concerns about job loss or changes in their responsibilities.

  • Do you have the necessary expertise within your organization?

Unclear holistic digitalization vision

Companies often approach automation projects in an isolated and ad hoc manner, without clear integration into the overall (digital) strategy. As a result, automation often takes place in a fragmented manner.

  • Can you automate strategically?

White paper on Process Automation

For those who want to learn more about Process Automation, we recommend our white paper. It gives you an overview of the topic, puts different approaches in context and includes a concrete success story with one of the largest Swiss financial institutions.

Download the white paper

Benefits of using Process Automation

  • Increased efficiency
  • Cost savings
  • Error reduction
  • Scalability
  • Faster throughput times
  • Better use of resources

Success Stories

Our services

Read more

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    Transforming information systems thanks to microservice-based architectures. One challenge here is the efficient coordination of microservices, known as service choreography. In our blog, we cover Camunda's leading BPM solution. Learn more

  • Service Sheet

    Citizen Development

    Citizen Development can be a valuable addition to Process Automation in your organization. It enables non-technical users to build applications and automations without relying on the IT department. Download now

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    Overview of the automation jungle

    Is the digital transformation progresses, companies are forced to rethink their positioning in a digital and dynamic market with constantly changing requirements. A continuous improvement in the effectiveness and efficiency of the products and services offered is becoming indispensable. Learn more

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    Intelligent Automation: Companies between hope and hesitation

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    Our CEO answers seldomly asked questions

    There has been a lot of talk about process automation. We asked expert Hansjörg Süess to address some of the relevant but less frequently asked questions. Learn more

Do you have questions?

No website and no brochure can replace a personal conversation about your goals and issues. I look forward to hearing from you.

Alessandro Tortelli

Head of Competence Center Business Automation Alessandro Tortelli +41585209740


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