• Solutions for complying with regulatory requirements in the pharmaceutical industry

    Consultancy, design and development

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Success in the field of life sciences – by combining business expertise and technology

These are turbulent times for the life sciences industry – steadily increasing pressure from competitors, ever more demanding costumers and a never-ending stream of new regulatory requirements.

Organisations must completely reposition themselves – at the point of customer contact as well as in terms of their internal processes. Higher Flexibility, cost reductions and a faster time-to-market strategy for new offers and services are needed.

Solutions for the trade-off between creativity in research and regulation

The main challenges in the pharmaceutical industry arise due to regulatory requirements. As a result, there is an acute need for consultancy, design and development services to generate the best possible solutions, which must also comply with ever-changing legislation.

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Success in the healthcare industry – by combining expertise and technology

These are turbulent times for the healthcare industry – steadily increasing pressure from competitors, ever more demanding users and a never-ending stream of new regulatory requirements. Organisations in the healthcare industry have to completely reposition themselves – at the point of customer contact as well as in terms of their internal processes. Flexibility, cost reductions and a high time-to-market strategy for new offers and services are needed.

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adesso - we optimise your digital science

Our testimonials from the pharmaceutical industry


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Software solutions for medical devices: Download now

Blog posts from our employees

Agile validation in the context of an existing CSV V-Model framework Part 1 and Part 2.

Service Sheets

Press releases

  • medi and adesso set up HEALAY joint venture: Read more
  • adesso teams up with dermanostic to test machine learning in the detection of skin diseases: Read more
  • adesso contributes to the digitalisation of the healthcare sector: Read more

Our newest membership

We are now member of Swiss Medtech – the voice of swiss medical technology.

Visit Swiss Medtech
Swiss Medtech

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There is no website or brochure which can replace a personal meeting to talk about your goals and topics. We are looking forward to an appointment on site.


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