Press release

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IT solution for the Global AMR R&D Hub: More transparency for antibiotic resistance research

Antibiotic resistance is on the rise around the world. The inappropriate use of antibiotics has resulted in more and more drugs becoming ineffective. A consequence of this is the subsequent unhindered spread of infectious diseases. This is a serious threat to world health and is the subject of research in various projects around the globe. adesso SE has been engaged by the Global AMR R&D Hub to develop an IT platform that will provide an overview of the key research activities around the world.

The Global Antimicrobial Resistance Research and Development Hub – or Global AMR R&D Hub for short – is an initiative of international R&D funders to help combat antimicrobial drug resistance. The Hub was officially launched in 2018 at the request of the G20 state leaders. The aim of the Hub is to bring together and coordinate international research activities into resistant bacteria for humans, animals, plants and the environment.

As IT partner, adesso will develop the platform for the Hub, which will merge all information concerning AMR projects and investments and make it transparently available. The development and service contract, which adesso was awarded following a public tender, will run until the end of 2021.

The first milestone will be reached this spring with the public launch of a Dynamic Dashboard. This is set to provide an overview of the worldwide re-search activities and will be successively expanded.

In terms of technology, the Dynamic Dashboard is based on a combination of Microsoft Azure and Power BI services as well as tailored microservices. Head of the project, Bernhard Rawein, who is also platform specialist at adesso SE for data integration and artificial intelligence, has this to say: “We are creating a state-of-the-art cloud analytics solution that provides the ideal platform to bring together performance, stability and scalability on a global scale over the coming years.”

Dr Elmar Nimmesgern is Secretariat Lead of the Global AMR R&D Hub and expects the IT solution to provide a major boost for the Hub: “Our main objective is to provide comprehensive information to help research and development funders use their funds efficiently. The platform will help to avoid duplication of effort in this field of research and coordinate international action.”

At the moment, 20 governmental and non-governmental organisations are involved in the Global AMR R&D Hub, including Russia, China, the US and France, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust and the European Commission. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) was a key contributor in setting up the Hub.

Dangerous if resistant: Staphylococcus aureus bacteria (sphere-shaped/yellow) can cause pneumonia, cardiac inflammation, meningitis and sepsis, among other conditions. Here it is attempting to escape the white blood cells (blue), which are responsible for defence against infection (microscopic picture). Copyright: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), USA

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