Artificial Artificial

adesso Blog

Today we want to address issues that are often overlooked when it comes to Artificial Intelligence, but which are no less relevant.

AI-based predictions have long been compared to the famous looking into a crystal ball. Do you see it that way too, Hansjörg Süess?

Yes, you're right. That was effectively the case for a long time. However, we’ve seen rapid technological development in the last 12 to 24 months. We've made incredible progress in the field of neural networks, machine learning and in the field of data analysis. And that's why I would say that we now have much more reliable predictions on which to base decisions.

adesso conducted a study with Swiss managers that showed that two thirds of them see GenAI as a huge opportunity. Do you?

Absolutely, yes! GenAI holds great potential for increasing efficiency, for faster and more precise decision-making. Above all, it offers great scope for innovation. And all of this means that GenAI has huge potential. Not only for our economy, but also for our entire society. From a regulatory perspective, we need to take a close look at what is really conceivably possible and ethically justifiable.

Are you interested in our study?

Our survey of managers in Switzerland presents clear conclusions: experimenting with individual GenAI applications should become integrated projects.

To the results

On the subject of ethics: There are voices expressing ethical concerns about the use of Artificial Intelligence. Do you think GenAI must be subject to certain regulations?

Yes, I think there are indeed areas that need to be heavily regulated, or at least regulated to some degree. If we think about the possibilities that GenAI solutions make available to us, there is of course the potential for abuse and possibly even arousing criminal intent for the creation and propagation of falsified content, and we need to take a very close look at this. I believe we need a set of rules to prevent precisely this.

At the moment, there are two main subjects that are preoccupying us all. One is Artificial Intelligence, and the other is data protection. Are these two issues compatible at all?

Very good question! I think that yes, the issues can actually be managed in parallel, in that whenever we’re considering an AI solution, we’re already thinking about data protection and the handling of data. When our specialists approach an AI project, they have data protection and the effective handling of data in mind.

Regarding adesso: How do we ensure that we protect sensitive customer data and that data protection regulations are implemented efficiently and effectively?

As you can imagine, as a service provider, we naturally come into contact with sensitive data on a daily basis. Not just our own, but also that of our customers. And, among other positions, we obviously have a data protection officer in the company who ensures that we comply with data protection guidelines at all times. We’ve taken measures in three main areas: the organizational, the technical, and of course also in the methodological.

  • Organizationally, for example: access controls in all our offices.
  • Technically: naturally, we also work with encryption technologies, secure coding, etc.
  • Methodologically: we’ve introduced a comprehensive IT security management system certified in accordance with ISO 27001. We also train and test our employees on a regular basis.
A completely different question: are AI-based decisions really better than decisions made by humans?

Oh, that's an interesting question. I would say that when it comes to analyzing mountains of data and drawing conclusions that follow a very standardized process, I think Artificial Intelligence now has the advantage. But when it comes to working out the nuances or thinking in rapidly changing scenarios, I think human intelligence is still a little ahead of Artificial Intelligence – if not a lot.

You’re a pilot yourself and fly a lot in your role. Would you be a passenger in an aircraft controlled by AI?

Yes! A lot of processes in aviation are already standardized and automated. We all know autopilot. Of course, Artificial Intelligence goes beyond that, but I believe that you can sit in an airplane with Artificial Intelligence at the controls with peace of mind. And this is very likely already common practice today.

Picture Hansjörg Süess

Author Hansjörg Süess

Hansjörg Süess has been CEO of adesso Switzerland since January 2009. His tasks focus on strengthening sales and marketing activities as well as the consistent continuation of adesso's growth strategy in the Swiss market. After 4 years as Delegate of the Board of Directors of adesso Schweiz AG, he will take over as Chairman of the Board of Directors in June 2023.