In the course of demographic change, the global proportion of the older population is growing significantly compared to the younger population. In addition, there are physical demands in the logistics sector as well as long working days under time pressure, which for example negatively affect the image of professional drivers and make the use of older workers more difficult in many positions. These structural and partly organisational challenges can be overcome.
Talk to us about:
> adopre: our Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution for the allocation of drivers and vehicles to predefined routes in line with the business objectives of your company (fleet cost optimisation, employee satisfaction, minimum start shift deviation, and more.).
>Work automation: business processes that can coordinate the behaviour to promote flexibility and efficiency.
> Low-code: The new paradigm that allows you to shorten time to market, and quickly and efficiently create solutions for your individual challenges - without any programming knowledge.
Your employees are the key to resilience. The term 'workplace innovation' describes initiatives that increase employee satisfaction, safety, retention, and overall productivity. We will be happy to support you in advising and implementing your project.