CoP Requirements Engineering
Share your vision with us...
...this will be fully analysed by all team members (or by a selected group of team members), and you will benefit from our expertise, an offer or recommendations in line with your wishes along with an approach that is individually tailored to your company and project.
Our Community of Practice (CoP) Requirements Engineering consists of internationally recognised specialists in requirements engineering, agile engineering and business engineering.
As a training provider of the IREB (International Requirements Engineering Board), we not only provide lecturers and trainers, but also a think tank (academic think tank that currently has 80 members).
Are you familiar with these challenges?
- The transformation to agile engineering is proceeding too slowly and/or is not delivering the hoped-for results (company-wide or/and in relation to individual plans and projects).
- The transformation to agile engineering is imminent and there is a lack of appropriate resources, agile experts and agile engineering specialists.
- Employees lack the required knowledge, experience and expertise in agile engineering (company-wide or/and in relation to individual plans and projects).
- Employees lack the necessary training/further training in terms of the quantitative and qualitative achievement of the objectives.
- Visions and goals are defined, but implementation is difficult.
- Visions and goals cannot be achieved in the given time and/or quality.
We have the right solution
We provide you with subject-matter experts and specialists in business, agile and requirements engineering.
We offer you the CoP Requirements Engineering Think Tank (that currently has 80 members) as a service. The academic think tank (CoP Requirements Engineering Think Tank) consists of members from the fields of requirements engineering, agile engineering, business engineering and analysis.
We provide you with lecturers and trainers (as an officially recognised training provider of the IREB (International Requirements Engineering Board)).
We train your employees in agile engineering (preparation for SAFe, IREB RE@Agile certificate).
We offer customer- and order-specific expertise, advice and recommendations with an approach that is individually tailored to your company and project.
We not only lay the foundation for your visions and goals; we also make them plannable, assessable and achievable.
What are your advantages?
- Your visions and goals become plannable, assessable and achievable.
- Your visions and goals are fulfilled more efficiently and cost effectively as well as continuously thanks to collaborative, iterative and incremental approaches.
- Your visions and goals are optimally achieved thanks to expert knowledge and the further training provided to your employees.
It all starts with your vision!
Based on this vision, we create a concept individually tailored to your company, project and situation.
We derive your goals, identify the direct and indirect stakeholders, define the system scope and system context and specify the functional requirements, quality requirements, product constraints and process constraints.
We create story maps, identify business values and risks and enable estimations and prioritisations.
We define the optimal framework and the ideal team constellation for achieving your goals. We enable scaling.
The term ‘agile’ (or ‘agility’) is difficult to grasp, but can be defined as follows:
‘A rapid whole-body movement with change of velocity or direction in response to a stimulus without losing control.’
(Source: IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering, RE@Agile Primer, Syllabus and Study Guide Version 1.1.0)
Do you have questions?
No website and no brochure can replace a personal conversation about your goals and issues. I look forward to hearing from you.
CEO & Chairman Hansjörg Süess +41 58 520 97 10