7. July 2022 By Vanessa Kasperczyk
My first adesso eduCamp - insights from an adesso new start
How would you sum up your first eduCamp in one sentence?
Great opportunity to get to know other adessi beyond one's own area better and to settle well into this big company.
You’re very new to adesso - you had only worked in the office for 13 days before you went to Sardinia with over 200 adessi. What was that like for you?
Scary and exciting at the same time. When I arrived at the airport, I still felt a bit out of place. During the flight I had great conversations and from then on it got better and better. Having a drink on the beach made me feel much more comfortable and now I have put all my fears aside!
Which course did you attend and what was the highlight?
I attended the course ‘Recognising personality tendencies’. Our mixed team was a highlight for me - in the beginning we were a bit shy with each other but by the end of the course we had a trusting and open relationship within the group.
What did you take with you from eduCamp into your everyday work?
What I took away for myself was to be open and to talk to new people - even if I'm sometimes a bit reserved and don't know where the conversation might go. In the end, it can always be enriching. :-)
What I got out of the training is that we are all different people but each of us has a tendency towards a certain personality direction. This means that everyone has different needs. Paying attention to this in everyday life makes life with each other a little easier.
How many adessi did you know before the eduCamp? And how many do you know now?
Before I knew about ten and now I know 30-40 adessi.
What is the adesso eduCamp?
The eduCamp is the highlight of all adesso employee events! The training week takes place once a year in a Mediterranean destination directly by the sea. The focus there is not only on the social experience, but on further education: in various workshops, we are upskilled by external or internal trainers in new technologies and trends. Where possible, we also offer a subsequent professional certification. The costs, including accommodation and meals, are covered by adesso.
We were in Sardinia in the summer of 2022 - film on: