adesso Blog


25.09.2020 By Utku Emre


Picture Utku Emre

Today, some of the most prominent challenges companies face are the unpredictable demands of customers and disruptive industries, along with increasing expectation of personalized customer service in every industry. Within their constraints, companies have to be prepared for such scenarios. Managed Capacity Models can be a solution.

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Software Development

24.09.2020 By Christian Straube

Using low-code successfully is not a sure thing

Picture Christian Straube

Low-code is a paradigm in modern software development. It pursues the vision of making the development of applications accessible to people with zero or little engineering background – known as ‘citizen developers’. This is intended to make more efficient use of developer resources, which are generally scarce, primarily using working time for the implementation of functionality instead of technical foundations. Collaboration between company departments for software development also becomes much closer, and teams are able to work together more effectively to generate benefits for customers and users.

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23.09.2020 By Beatrice Malova

How to start Business with Internet of Things?

Picture Beatrice Malova

One of the latest and most prominent technological achievements today is the Internet of Things (IoT). The traditional business is on the verge of reinventing itself. Introduction of IoT to existing traditional businesses has potential for new business opportunities. The focus by using IoT lays on the capability to design such interaction, which provides business value, which did not exist before with traditional business model.

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