adesso Blog
22.03.2022 By Maurizio Bianchi
Quarkus – A convincing Framework
I have been developing applications using #java since release 1.0. I have gone through all the different enterprise releases starting Servlets and EJB 1.0 to now with #Java EE/#Jakarta EE.
Read more22.03.2022 By Zoe Holdt and Julius Glaser
Hydrogen – homework for policymakers
Above all, using green hydrogen as a sustainable and climate-neutral energy carrier may be the key to a more sustainable energy economy. In our blog post, you’ll find out why it’s more important than ever for policymakers to think beyond short-term actions.
Read more17.03.2022 By Svenja Pschichholz
Unified customer profiles – why personalised communication is so important
How do I identify my customers’ individual needs? In the age of online shopping, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to communicate with customers in a way that speaks to them and focuses on their personal interests. This blog post discusses why it’s important to create customised content and how unified customer profiles (UCPs) contribute to one-to-one customer communication.
Read more15.03.2022 By Jens-Michael Blümel
Let’s talk about the sustainability of digital touchpoints
Almost every corporate strategy claims that sustainability plays a key role in it. These statements often refer to raw materials, supply chains and production processes. The marketing world, on the other hand, is very fond of talking about sustainability, but usually lacks real concepts it can apply to itself.
Read more11.03.2022 By Lars Zimmermann , Georg Benhöfer and Stephen Lorenzen
The levy under the German Renewable Energy Sources Act has been abolished – so now what?
For weeks, the issue of rising energy prices has been a constant presence in the media and the attack on Ukraine by Russian troops has now added to the urgency of the issue. The German federal government has announced that it will abolish the levy under the German Renewable Energy Sources Act as of 1 July 2022 in order to relieve the financial burden on electricity customers. In our blog post, we will explain what other consequences abolishing the levy might have.
Read more09.03.2022 By Anna Lena Weihrauch
Diversity and team success
Diversity is about everyone, which means it’s about you, too. The focus of it often gets boiled down to gender and promoting women since isolated sectors, such as IT, are often represented by men. But diversity encompasses so much more than that. In my blog post, I will show you how diversity has a positive effect on teams and their success.
Read more03.03.2022 By Nehir Safak-Turhan
Why do banks need a sustainability strategy?
The megatrend of sustainability is the talk of the town. This topic doesn’t stop at the banking world; it will put the tried and true to the test and create something new. In my blog post, I provide a concrete explanation of what’s in store for banks.
Read more02.03.2022 By Marcel Penstorf
New thresholds for 2022 and 2023 separate EU-wide tenders from national tenders
In public tenders, proposal management encounters what are called ‘thresholds’. In public procurement law, the threshold values define the boundary between EU-wide tenders and national tenders. In 2019 in Germany, for example, the federal ministries opened over 1,200 EU-wide tenders that had a total value of €5 billion. In my blog post, I will give you a glimpse into the world of thresholds, as they were adjusted on 1 January 2022 and will remain valid for two years.
Read more01.03.2022 By Marius Voskamp
A journey to good software
My goal in software development is to build programmes and features that people need and like to use. Only on the way did I slowly realise that simply writing code would probably not be enough. This journey continues to this day. In my blog post, I would like to share the crucial insights and changes of mind I had and give you an idea of what the world of software development is like.
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