adesso Blog
07.07.2022 By Tim Strohschneider
Cognitive search – finding instead of searching
A new generation of search engine software is forming that additionally integrates AI technologies, such as machine learning: cognitive computing. In my blog post, I’ll explain how cognitive search works and why it’s a valuable tool for companies.
Read more06.07.2022 By Abderrahmane Elakhiri
Welcome at adesso – Insights from an adesso newbie
We want our adessi to feel at home with us from day one. Therefore, a Welcome Day for all newbies takes place every three months. We spoke to Abderrahmane Elakhiri about his experience.
Read more06.07.2022 By Stefan Mönk
#2 Agile software development – the Agile Manifesto in practice
In my first blog post, I primarily focused on the historical background of agility in software development and explained what the term means in basic terms.
Read more04.07.2022 By Viktoria Düngfelder
AI meets UX – AI-based software calls for new approaches in user experience design
Artificial intelligence is set to transform our lives. The task of UX design is to strengthen trust in AI-driven software and, above all else, increase our quality of life in the future. The following blog post explores key questions and describes the best methods to find solutions to them.
Read more01.07.2022 By Stefan Mönk
#1 Agile software development – we work in an agile way! Really?
I would like to dedicate a series of blogs on agility to the term ‘agility’ itself. This will cover topics such as agile software development, agile frameworks, agile mindsets and agile methods. My goal is that everyone – from the classic waterfall manager to the full-blooded agilist – will find something to take away. The first part is all about the question of whether we really work in an agile way.
Read more30.06.2022 By Robert von Seggern
Occupational health insurance – why the topic is booming right now
The demand for occupational health insurance is increasing among both employers and employees. The topic of occupational health insurance also plays an important role in recruiting new employees. In my blog post, I will explain what financing options there are, which benefits can be added with occupational health insurance and what advantages and value it offers.
Read more29.06.2022 By Lars Zimmermann , Georg Benhöfer and Stephen Lorenzen
Update on the smart meter rollout: withdrawal of the general ruling of 7 February 2020
The German Federal Office for Information Security (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, BSI) withdrew the pronouncement for the rollout of smart metering systems a good month ago. This has once again slowed down the smart meter rollout following on from the reoccurring issues it had encountered recently. This blog post will explain why the pronouncement has been withdrawn and what impact this has had on the smart meter rollout.
Read more28.06.2022 By Tobias Dieter
An e-mail is as harmful as a plastic bag
This blog post examines whether sending e-mails is harmful to the environment and lists ways to protect the environment and the climate.
Read more27.06.2022 By Lars Zimmermann and Jonas Schnorrenberg
Emergency Plan for Gas – Robert Habeck declares alert level
On 30 March 2022, Robert Habeck, German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, declared the early warning level of the Emergency Plan for Gas. This was followed on 23 June 2022 by the alert level, which is the second of three levels in the Emergency Plan for Gas. What does the alert level mean and what steps will be taken now? In our blog post, we will give you a brief overview as to why Habeck made this decision and what the impact will be.
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