adesso Blog

Inside adesso

I want to use this blog post to tell you about the hurdles I encounter when using PCs as well as the Internet from the perspective of a person with a quite pronounced visual impairment. I want to use this blog post to draw attention to issues that people with better eyes do not perceive, or perceive only to a limited extent. However, there are tools that can make everyday life much easier. I will also give them a brief mention here.

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28.03.2023 By Patrick Kübler

Digitalisation assessment for production

Picture Patrick Kübler

Digitalisation projects often face two problems: either there is no real idea of what to start with at the very beginning, or those involved are generally looking for new ideas for digitalising production. This is where our digitalisation assessment for production comes in. I will describe what all this is about and how we use it to support our customers in my blog post.

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Digital Experience

27.03.2023 By Xenia Wigandt

Beautiful world, where are you?

Picture Xenia Wigandt

The automotive industry faces a major challenge in combining offline and digital experiences to create a seamless customer journey. The buzzword “metaverse” has emerged as a possible solution to this challenge. I explain what this is all about in my blog post.

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Green IT is no longer a new trend and many people are already familiar with it. But what role does sustainability play for the public sector and can the purchasing decisions of the German government, local authorities and federal states have a significant impact on the market and the environment? I want to use this blog post to explore these questions and others.

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Industries with large amounts of sensitive customer data, such as insurance providers or banks, need to make sure that only the ‘right’ people have access to this data if they want to offer their customers the convenience of online services. I want to use this blog post to show you how this topic has developed in recent years.

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Software Development

22.03.2023 By Vincent Scherb

Troubleshooting open source NuGet package

Picture Vincent Scherb

For a project I decided to use the libgit2 library which, fortunately, has a port to C#. When adding the NuGet package in the latest version 0.26.2 (release December 11, 2019) the program ran into a problem at runtime as the shared library cannot be loaded.

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22.03.2023 By Jonas Schnorrenberg, Stephen Lorenzen and Maximilian Hammes

Quarterly check-in Q1/23 – what is the status of the energy crisis?


We want to use this blog post, which is part of a ‘check-in’ series that we will post every three months, to give you an overview of how Germany is handling the energy crisis and what exciting changes there have been around the energy industry.

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21.03.2023 By Stephan Thies

adesso active transformation

Picture Stephan Thies

Companies can no longer avoid the migration to SAP S/4HANA. We want to standardise the transformation process with our active transformation – from strategic planning and organisational enablement to detailed planning and implementation. To this end, we have defined six stages with which we approach the S/4HANA migration process step by step. I want to use this blog post to present these six stages to you so you have a better understanding of our process model.

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Moving documents from a drive to SharePoint seems simple enough. Just copy and paste the documents and folders, and they are all available to you again a short time later. That means users can continue to work as they normally would, right? Not exactly, since metadata would have been the better option here. And I will explain why in my blog post.

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