adesso Blog

Digital Experience

09.05.2023 By Peter Fey

AI-optimised B2B marketing

Picture Peter Fey

Sooner or later, AI models will also be more successful in B2B than manually created and optimised campaigns. But it will be important to feed the AI well and prepare it for its task. In my blog post, I will explain whether AI-based campaign models in social advertising make B2B as easy as B2C or not.

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08.05.2023 By Marty Kostmann and Stephan Thies

Why change management must play a major role in transformation projects


ompanies often work with the same system for years, making only minor changes. But at some point the system has to be replaced due to lack of maintenance or functionality. In SAP system transformation projects, this means new workflows, interfaces and products. Change management is crucial to ensure that employees accept the new systems.

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As an organisational consultant, I help companies and departments optimise their structures and processes. There are two basic approaches to this: the design approach and the management approach. In this blog post, I will explain what these terms mean, what role they play in organisational development and how to successfully combine design and management.

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04.05.2023 By Jenny Gursch and Markus Felkel

Agile scaling and the challenges that come with it – part 2


In the first part of our blog series on ‘Agile scaling and the challenges that come with it’, we took a closer look at the demand for agile scaling and the associated challenges that need to be overcome in order to generate added value for an organisation. In this next part, we will focus on the challenges that come with agile scaling.

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I would like to use this blog post to introduce you to the key buzzwords and concepts that are essential for navigating the field of artificial intelligence (AI). You will learn more about topics such as neural nets, machine learning, supervised and unsupervised learning, transfer learning and much more. The aim of this post is to briefly explain the most important concepts you need to take a quick trip into the world of AI.

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Software Development

Software is everywhere. Embedded devices contain a lot of software. Unfortunately, what happens a lot: Once it’s live, you’ll discover bugs. Having a FOTA-first mindset for your next device is a key point.

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Lightbulb moments are not something you can explain, they are something that you need to experience. Just like success factors for agility. As an agile coach, I often deal with teams who want to become better. If we engage in this process and accept the uncertainty, we can learn and gain new insights. Mindfulness facilitates this process and can help you work more successfully.

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Digital Experience

What does SAP Customer Experience have to do with a triathlon? Like a relay triathlon, different disciplines and athletes come together to create an experience as one: SAP Commerce Cloud, Sales & Service Cloud and Emarsys work together in the SAP CX portfolio to create a seamless customer experience. I will show you how this works in my blog post.

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The revision of the Swiss Data Protection Act changes important provisions regarding the processing of personal data. Companies must observe stricter rules and adapt their existing guidelines and data protection declarations by the time this revision comes into force. We discuss this with our CISO, Michael Ruppe.

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