adesso Blog


12.07.2023 By Tobias Dieter

DORA et labora

Picture Tobias Dieter

The new EU regulation to strengthen digital operational resilience aimed at financial entities – also known as DORA – has been in force since 17 July 2023, though firms will be given a two-year window to comply with its rules. This new regulation places heavy demands on many companies. In my blog post, I will explain which companies are affected and what they have to do now.

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has started receiving bad publicity since Midjourney and ChatGPT came on to the scene. Not only are the ethical and economic implications of large-scale AI models the subject of much discussion, concerns about their environmental impact are getting louder, too. With that in mind, I will use this blog post to explore the question of how sustainable AI really is and – spoiler alert – what we need to do to make AI more sustainable. You will also learn why training the models is not the biggest problem from an environmental standpoint.

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In this blog post, I want to give an introduction to the AI models of the German company Aleph Alpha given the current attention that large language models such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT are attracting and how people are increasingly using it to solve natural language processing problems. I will explain why it is of great importance to have AI companies based in Europe and why the everyday use of ChatGPT can be problematic given that it is the product of a US company.

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07.07.2023 By Juan Carlos Peñafiel Suárez

Is a single source of truth (SSOT) needed in the laboratory?

Picture Juan Carlos Peñafiel Suárez

Laboratories are working hard today to solve the problems created by the exponential increase in data. One promising approach is single source of truth (SSOT). In this blog post, I will explain the underlying concept behind SSOT as well as the advantages it brings.

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In this blog post, I will explain what generative AI does and how it can be used in creative fields. I will be presenting issues and risks associated with this technology as well as its impact on the creative industry and how people work in this space. You can look forward to fantastic insights into the fascinating world of generative AI, and you will also find out learn how it can change the way we make art, music and even literature.

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Companies are faced with the challenge of managing their processes efficiently while ensuring flexibility and scalability in today’s fast-paced business world. SAP offers a two-tier approach that enables companies to optimise their processes and reap the benefits of SAP solutions: the Two-Tier ERP strategy. I will explain in this blog post more about the underlying concept of the SAP model and lay out the concrete advantages for companies.

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04.07.2023 By Amir Lettgen

AI-driven broker support

Picture Amir Lettgen

Having strong relationships with customers is indispensable for insurance companies in a highly competitive market. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) and modern business relationship management (BRM) systems opens up new opportunities to provide more effective support to brokers and increase customer satisfaction. In this blog post, I will explore two current trends – AI-driven dialogue systems and hyper-personalised customer experiences – and explain how they are revolutionising the sale of insurance.

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03.07.2023 By Kevin Pahlke

An introduction to Stable Diffusion

Picture Kevin Pahlke

Stable Diffusion AI is a machine learning method for generating high-quality images. A neural network learns the distribution of images by gradually adding noise and using the diffusion equation to reduce the noise. Prompts are short sentences or images that give the network an idea of what it should generate. This blog post will look at creating prompts and provide tips on how to create effective prompts.

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Many established SMEs in the manufacturing industry in Germany struggle with the challenge of using heterogeneous machinery: they operate machines made by different manufacturers, some of which are newer than others, and some of which are used more than others – all depending on their company’s individual history. If we are talking exclusively about digitalising and standardising these types of manufacturing environments in the sense of modern Industry 4.0 applications, then there is one question in the industry that is more pressing than any other: is a conversion or retrofit worthwhile at all?

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