adesso Blog

Inside adesso

What does brain surgery have to do with IT and application security? At first glance, not much. Nevertheless, I would like to look into this comparison in my blog post, because it strongly illustrates the importance of expertise and experience in complex areas.

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04.09.2023 By Mike Deecke

The ingenious data lake

Picture Mike Deecke

A data lake, also known as a data platform, is an ingenious and highly effective solution for addressing the complex challenges that come with storing, managing and analysing vast quantities of data. It provides an advanced infrastructure that enables organisations to store data in its native form and be flexible with how they process it later. In my blog post, I will go through the advantages it brings to the table.

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01.09.2023 By Marc Mezger and Moritz Momper

Python development best practices part 1 – Tools & Zen


Python is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world and offers a wide range of possibilities to implement solutions professionally and efficiently. However, to realise the full potential of Python, it is essential to understand the best practices and apply them. In this blog post, we would like to present you with our guidelines for successful Python development.

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Inside adesso

31.08.2023 By Marc Hofmann, Brigitte Duerr and Corinna Zanoni

Marketing Automation: an adesso win-win-win story


Teamwork makes the dream work: Three adessi show how knowledge exchange from various disciplines, the will to learn as well as the willingness to go the extra mile, help to achieve success in the shortest possible time.

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ChatGPT caused a major hype at the end of 2022. But ChatGPT may not be the end of the line. Google had laid claim to this title by introducing their own Bard AI model to the market. But which is the more powerful AI, ChatGPT or Bard? We will explore this question in our blog post. Read on to find out who comes out on top in the end.

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29.08.2023 By Marc Mezger

Open source large language models

Picture Marc Mezger

What does open source mean, and why are open source language models actually so important? In my blog post, I will answer these questions and introduce you to three important open source large language models in more detail.

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28.08.2023 By Domenic See and Tobias Dieter

Cyber kill chain


The cyber kill chain framework was developed for use in analysing and defending against cyber attacks. The framework consists of a series of seven steps that describe the typical phases of a cyber attack. I will explain the steps involved and the advantages of this strategy to defend against cyber attacks in more detail in my blog post.

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Occupational pension schemes and occupational health insurance plans are often faced with the challenge of having to implement a digital solution. In practical terms, this means they have to prepare the corresponding tender documents (including a catalogue of requirements), define the evaluation criteria for the quotations they receive and choose which of the bidding companies they wish to go with. You can find out how adesso supports (prospective) customers during the tender process in my blog post.

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The European Union’s proposed AI Act will make working with artificial intelligence (AI) on a daily basis even more complex. Some potential AI applications might end up on a blacklist, while others remain untouched, but in a way, both applications use the same technology. It feels like AI roulette. The entire situation is poised to cause doubts during the idea phase of potential AI applications – namely, is my AI idea allowed? This is a question that crops up a lot at the moment.

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