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  • Diversity

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In view of adesso’s internationalisation endeavours, it is certainly interesting to look at the percentage of women in IT from country to country. What do other countries do differently than Germany and how can the fluctuating numbers between individual countries be explained? This is exactly what I would like to shed light on in this blog post.

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Inside adesso

25.05.2022 By Julia Thimmel

Diversity in the workplace

Picture Julia Thimmel

Diversity in the workplace is a very complex, ongoing issue. Moreover, it is constantly evolving and becoming increasingly fine-grained. In my blog post, I would like to explain to you in more detail what advantages diversity offers in the corporate context.

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Inside adesso

09.03.2022 By Anna Lena Weihrauch

Diversity and team success

Picture Anna Lena Weihrauch

Diversity is about everyone, which means it’s about you, too. The focus of it often gets boiled down to gender and promoting women since isolated sectors, such as IT, are often represented by men. But diversity encompasses so much more than that. In my blog post, I will show you how diversity has a positive effect on teams and their success.

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