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Snowflake is a comprehensive data platform that is predestined for numerous workloads, including data science and AI/Ml. The first part of my blog post on Snowflake's AI capabilities explores the current capabilities for end-to-end machine learning on a single platform based on enterprise-managed data.

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An anomaly is a data point or pattern in a time series that differs from the data you would typically expect to receive. Anomaly detection deals with the task of identifying these irregularities. In this blog post, we will be presenting approaches used to analyse time series data and detect anomalies. Along with that, you will also find out how to successfully integrate the algorithms into a smart product platform.

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Running large language models using a fancy, ready-to-use interface increases accessibility for many, even for people who do not know any programming languages. Part two of my blog series focuses on technical aspects such as specifying the scope of the summary, prompt engineering and quality factors.

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In this blog post, we will explore the requirements specific to data science projects, explain how to choose the right agile approach and take a closer look at the current state of research.

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In this blog post, I would like to introduce you to an efficient way to make your company’s knowledge and documents accessible by integrating them into an easily searchable and interactive chat environment. The ultimate goal in this case is to make targeted queries and obtain precise answers based on the available documents and information. To demonstrate these functions, I will be using Luminous, the large language model from Aleph Alpha.

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Artificial intelligence is set to transform our lives. The task of UX design is to strengthen trust in AI-driven software and, above all else, increase our quality of life in the future. The following blog post explores key questions and describes the best methods to find solutions to them.

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13.12.2021 By Tim Strohschneider

Optimising financial transactions

Picture Tim Strohschneider

Regulatory requirements, changing customer expectations and increasing complexity pose new challenges for existing financial transaction systems. Using approaches based on artificial intelligence (AI) can optimise this significantly.

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IT and business come together to form a value creation system in which the democratisation of technology is shifting the areas of responsibility and new processes and organisational structures are emerging. At the same time, there is an opportunity for a new culture of cooperation. I explain how this all ties together in my blog post.

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