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This is the third and final instalment of my blog series titled ‘Machine-generated text summarisation in Aleph Alpha Luminous using R’. Here, I will use a high-level example to explain the various steps in a transformation pipeline and present the intermediate results.

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Running large language models using a fancy, ready-to-use interface increases accessibility for many, even for people who do not know any programming languages. Part two of my blog series focuses on technical aspects such as specifying the scope of the summary, prompt engineering and quality factors.

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Running large language models using a fancy, ready-to-use interface increases accessibility for many, even for people who do not know any programming languages. In my blog post, I will focus on the backend component in R and explain how R is used to manage interface integration into Aleph Alpha.

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How can an insurance provider use open insurance to further develop its own business model and strengthen its competitiveness and future relevance? What opportunities and risks does open insurance hold for the insurance industry? In this blog post, you will learn what the idea behind open insurance is and where this concept can be applied.

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