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06.03.2023 By Arman Kohli

The SMO as a centre of excellence

Picture Arman Kohli

ITIL 4 (IT Infrastructure Library) is giving the term service management office (SMO) a new type of special importance. Its namesake, the project management office (PMO), is already widely known and established. But what are the differences between these management offices, and what are their respective advantages? I will be answering this very question in the following blog post.

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Digitalisation, transformation and agility are appearing on many organisations’ agendas more and more. But quite a number of these organisations aren’t sure what digitalisation means for them. In my blog post, I present the strategy requirements, the various fields of action and the success factors needed to ensure that an organisation’s transformation project succeeds.

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In IT, IT service management (ITSM) is mainly concerned with optimising the quality of IT services. Practice has shown that optimising security management is often more effective at improving information security in the longer term than investing in security technology is. As the focus on ITSM has increased in the IT environment, I’m going to use this blog post to explain how performance measurement and security costs are related in this context.

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