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Digital Experience

B2B portals are the ideal place to interact with customers, suppliers and partners. This is because in the current market environment, comprehensive and well-thought-out customer service has long since become a differentiating competitive factor. But what makes a good B2B portal? What should you pay attention to in practice? In this blog post, I will answer these questions and give you some tips.

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Companies employ staff in different roles, which means they have different areas of responsibility. These employees often possess above-average specialist knowledge in a subject area or special skills. But this knowledge is often – consciously or unconsciously – not shared. This creates an environment in which the conditions do not promote the growth of knowledge and prevent it from being used in a targeted way to advance the company and to offer real added value to (potential) customers. How can a company promote knowledge sharing through a community of practice and benefit (potential) customers and interested parties? I will explain how in this blog post using the example of the community of practice for the topic of company pension schemes.

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Digital Experience

This blog post presents some exciting results of the adesso CX Study 2021 with a focus on the insurance industry and shows how online business works for insured persons.

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For many marketers, the implementation of a customer data platform (CDP) is one of the most important projects of the year. But, what’s so special about a CDP? And what benefits does SAP CPD offer? I answer these questions in my blog post.

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Digital Experience

There are some key success factors that companies should consider in the design and implementation of personalisation projects to guarantee that they are both efficient and highly effective. In this blog post, I reveal five of these factors and show you what really matters.

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16.11.2021 By Jan Jungnitsch and Ann-Kathrin Bendig

A life coach as a holistic approach to personalised customer contact


The core task of insurance sales is to generate new customers and to ensure existing customers remain loyal to the company in the long term by providing ongoing consultancy and managing their needs. The key to success is to individualise each customer to the greatest extent possible through deliberate actions and recommendations. In our blog article, we show how this can be achieved and why insurers need to be proactive.

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Digital Experience

26.10.2021 By Heike Heger

CX study 2021 - Part 4: Social Commerce

Picture Heike Heger

After analysing the study results on the topics of customer experience, personalised marketing and offline meets online in the past weeks, we now turn to the area of social commerce. Some exciting findings have emerged for companies.

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Digital Experience

Our blog series presents results from the current adesso study ‘What online shoppers want and companies offer’. We asked online customers about their customer satisfaction in e-commerce and representatives of companies about what they do in terms of customer experience. We compared the results, and there were several areas where the responses from the two sides diverged. In this blog post we introduce the topic ‘offline meets online’.

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Digital Experience

Our blog series presents results from the current adesso study ‘What online shoppers want and companies offer’. In it we asked 1,000 online shoppers what makes for a good customer experience and polled hundreds of companies to find out what they do to ensure online customers have a pleasant shopping experience. Comparing the results produced some interesting insights and revealed gaps in the responses from the two groups. This article will focus on personalised marketing, marketing automation and account-based marketing.

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