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Digital Experience

To deliver outstanding digital experiences, you need to keep several factors in mind. These include content, personalisation, e-commerce and interoperability. This blog series explains what is meant by this and how you can take these factors into account and use them to support you on a technical level. Let’s start with the content.

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Digital Experience

Despite the global pandemic, IT budgets are increasing and the march of digitalisation is set to continue. But IT and marketing departments often find themselves at odds with one another. That’s why in this blog post, I’m going to show you how to set up a customer-centric application and a modern system that can be fully integrated and continuously developed in small steps.

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Digital Experience

No strategy, no success – this also applies to digital marketing. But what is the right way for a given company? Where does a company reach its customers in the digital world – and through which channels? This is where a digital marketing strategy comes into play. In this blog post, I explain how companies can make their marketing efforts easier, more efficient, more present and more successful with the right digital marketing strategy.

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In this blog post, I want to show you the ways a CRM system can support a reinsurer (assignee). You will also learn how this type of system helps to maintain an overview in new policy underwriting and during the policy renewal phase with the primary insurer (assignor).

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