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Imagine an insurance company decides to modernise its entire IT landscape. The technology is ready, the plans are drawn up, and yet the project encounters unexpected obstacles. The reason? No, not the poor preparation phase this time. The human factor. In this blog post, I highlight the human aspects of IT transformations in the German insurance industry and show why they often mean the difference between success and failure.

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10.06.2024 By Lea Mück

Digital transformation in banking

Picture Lea Mück

Is your bank among the many awaiting fundamental transformation? Financial firms are currently experiencing how markets and customer requirements are changing. These businesses are also experiencing the implications of these changes for technology and IT. Our team of experts offers you the essential industry-specific knowledge and IT expertise that is required to support you in shaping your digital future.

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15.09.2023 By Jean-Jacques Pittet

No transformation without transparency

Picture Jean-Jacques Pittet

Can a home renovation be successfully planned without precise knowledge of what’s already there? The clear answer is: Of course not! A comprehensive understanding of the house, its various rooms and the condition of the garden is essential to at least roughly estimate what renovations and improvements are needed.

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The digital transformation is changing the healthcare sector. New technologies and advanced data collection systems are revolutionising the way that health services are provided and managed. In this blog post, I will take a look at the key legislative initiatives that will shape how the handling of digital health data will be regulated and optimised in the future.

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Publish content in different channels at the touch of a button. Whether you are talking about text, images or videos, that can be done with ease using multi-channel publishing. And best of all, this leads to lowers costs, greater efficiency and more reliable operations. You can find out how this works in my blog post.

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Software Development

Low-code development platforms are becoming increasingly popular with companies because they enable them to create applications independently, even if they have little or no programming knowledge. In my blog post, I’ll describe the origins of low-code, explain how it works and list important considerations for its implementation.

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Our observations show that with mobile working models, flexible working hours and digital alternatives, stability and productivity are entirely possible – in the financial world as well. The buzzword in this context is ‘new work’. In this blog post, I’d like to present in greater detail what the term actually means, how it affects banks and what the use cases that can be experienced in banking look like.

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Advances in IoT and other information technologies such as cloud and mobile computing have promoted the digitisation of products. Digital products offer a wide range of opportunities for innovation and high potential for new use cases. While customer centricity is an important consideration, manufacturers should also consider the internal benefits of use cases on the manufacturing side. In my blog post, I explain how we help companies do this.

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Insurance providers are no strangers to investing in IT, with more and more being spent every year. This is a good thing since the lack of urgency when it comes to digitalisation in recent years is now beginning to come back to haunt companies. Processes are being actively rebuilt, modernised and the application landscape is even being completely renewed in some cases. This applies first and foremost to insurance sales application processes, which I would like to introduce to you in this blog post.

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