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18.03.2024 By Hansjörg Süess

AI – our CEO answers seldomly asked questions

Picture Hansjörg Süess

Today we want to address issues that are often overlooked when it comes to Artificial Intelligence, but which are no less relevant.

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14.02.2024 By Mohammad Qasem

An introduction to the EU Data Act

Picture Mohammad Qasem

European legislators have imposed strict regulation on the digital space in recent years. In addition to the much-discussed EU IoT Act, other important regulations such as the Data Governance Act and the Data Act have come into force. The Data Act in particular has attracted special attention due to its impact on IoT device manufacturers, service providers and start-ups. The Data Act, which entered into force on 11 January 2024, will apply from September 2025. In my blog post, I discuss its objectives, effects and requirements for all stakeholders.

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In an increasingly digitalised world where data is transmitted to other countries, it is essential that personal data is protected. This is especially true when it comes to the cross-border transfer of health data. In this blog post, I will explain what impact the Data Privacy Framework has on the transfer of health data between the EU and the US and what effect this has on how digital health apps are run.

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The revision of the Swiss Data Protection Act changes important provisions regarding the processing of personal data. Companies must observe stricter rules and adapt their existing guidelines and data protection declarations by the time this revision comes into force. We discuss this with our CISO, Michael Ruppe.

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29.08.2022 By Roland Scheuch

The Health Data Use Act

Picture Roland Scheuch

This blog post explains why the use of data in the health sector makes sense and which concepts and framework conditions need to be created for this.

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10.08.2021 By Nicole Prohaska

Microsoft cloud: an image update

Picture Nicole Prohaska

Lots of people still have reservations when it comes to transitioning to the cloud, especially when the conversation turns to the issue of data security. Complete transparency is an important promise that Microsoft makes to its customers, which is a crucial milestone in the right direction towards building a meaningful position of trust. In my blog post, I would like to give you an overview of the current efforts that Microsoft is making with regard to its cloud.

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Software Development

Data is the new gold of the digital age. So why not own as much as possible? The answer to this question is presented in the third part of my ‘privacy in software development’ blog series. I’ll also introduce you to the principle of data minimisation in more detail.

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Software Development

How nice would it be to live in a world in which you as a software user wouldn’t have to care about 99 per cent of what went on and your data would still be protected. That can be more than just a dream. In the second part of my ‘Data protection in software development’ blog series, I explain what you should keep in mind when it comes to software development and introduce the principle of privacy by default.

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Software Development

19.01.2021 By Tobias Deininger

Data protection in software development

Picture Tobias Deininger

Does the issue of data protection always give you a headache? Us developers are confronted with huge challenges time and again, especially when we’re only made aware of the requirements for the software we have to develop late on in the development phase. In the first part of my ‘Data protection in software development’ series, I would like to introduce you to the principle of privacy by design.

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