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Digital Experience

In our blog post, you can find out about the benefits of the new focal partnership between the SAP Commerce Cloud as a shop solution and Contentful as a CMS.

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21.03.2024 By Shankara Hariharan

Navigating the Cloud: Public vs Private vs Hybrid

Picture Shankara Hariharan

In the cloud computing landscape, almost all companies are faced with numerous critical decisions regarding the management of their IT systems. One of the most important decisions is choosing the appropriate cloud computing model. In this blog post, I will look at the intricacies of private and hybrid cloud solutions with their respective use cases.

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The e-commerce landscape is subject to constant change and companies are faced with the challenge of finding innovative solutions that optimally fulfil current requirements. In this blog post, I take a detailed look at the SAP Commerce Cloud as an e-commerce solution and highlight the advantages over an on-premise solution or traditional software architectures.

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Software Development

AWS DynamoDB is a high-performance NoSQL database service designed to serve as a key-value store. As a fully managed, serverless service, DynamoDB offers a fast, flexible and cost-effective way to store and retrieve data in the cloud. In this blog post, I take a deep dive into the main features, design patterns and best practices relating to DynamoDB.

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The further development of SAP Sales and Service Cloud V2 is not a simple upgrade, but a fundamental redesign of the existing solution on a new platform. This blog post will describe the highlights that the new version offers, for whom a transition is worthwhile and how adesso can be involved as a migration partner.

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If a piece of software is designed by the vendor for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes, it is regarded as a medical device under the law. That means that the manufacturer must comply with all applicable laws and hence all guidelines set out in the different standards there are. In my blog post, I will describe how the expectations described in the standards and regulations can be presented and grouped to ensure it is possible to examine and document them as part of a larger overall process.

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14.09.2023 By Julius Haas and Sebastian Brückner

Generative AI today: the real possibilities beyond the theoretical


In this blog post, we want to avoid getting bogged down in philosophical questions and will instead seek to shed light on what is actually possible now with Google Cloud in the realm of generative AI. We will explain what can be done out of the box and why everyone’s job is not at risk from AI.

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Companies are faced with the challenge of managing their processes efficiently while ensuring flexibility and scalability in today’s fast-paced business world. SAP offers a two-tier approach that enables companies to optimise their processes and reap the benefits of SAP solutions: the Two-Tier ERP strategy. I will explain in this blog post more about the underlying concept of the SAP model and lay out the concrete advantages for companies.

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02.06.2023 By Dimitrios Archontakakis

The security of SaaS cloud solutions

Picture Dimitrios Archontakakis

In the past, companies bought their software (for example, on CD-ROM) and installed it locally. These days, however, applications can be obtained directly from the cloud as software as a service (SaaS). In my blog post, I will answer the questions of where the data protection risks lie in this context and what the relevant security aspects are.

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