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27.09.2023 By Ellen Volkert , Julia Schönauer and Melanie Truhöl

New agile – a balanced, hybrid work model


How we work has changed fundamentally in recent decades, a trend that was accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. These changes require new forms of work in companies that are focused on the evolving needs of employees. The term used to describe this is new work. Agile working is a form of new work. We explain what this is all about in our blog post.

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Inside adesso

Meeting times are often perceived as too long and burdensome. A phenomenon that seems to be exacerbated by remote working. But does this really mean that we spend too much time in meetings? In my blog post, I would like to share my thoughts with you.

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Inside adesso

Managing team members remotely is something that we have had to deal with more and more during the pandemic. Remote working results in physical distance between teams, which affects communication. In my blog post, I will give you tips on how to maintain communication within your team and overcome the challenges posed by being in different locations.

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09.11.2021 By Corinna John

Green Cloud Computing

Picture Corinna John

How many kilometres of travel need to be saved to make a video conference ‘greener’ than a meeting or, in the end, isn't operating remotely generally much more resource-intensive than working traditionally on site? In my blog post, I introduce you to the Green Cloud Computing methodology and use the ‘video conference’ example calculation to answer the question of whether it is more environmentally friendly to attend a meeting on site or remotely from home.

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The coronavirus pandemic saw a substantial rise in the use of video conferences. But it’s impossible to imagine them not being part of our everyday work lives even after everything returns to normal. However, since video conferences also have a few disadvantages in comparison to face-to-face communication, I’d like to use my blog post to explain how AI can help to improve your attention span during video conferences.

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Inside adesso

During the first lockdown, Jon Bailey, a former British sailor, received a lot of attention – including from me – on social media platform Twitter after his tips for working from home went viral. Admittedly, that was quite a while ago and most people have more or less become used to the ‘new normal’ since then. Having said that, there’s no getting away from the fact that the days spent working at home all seem to blend into one and we jump at the chance to add a little variety to our routine. In this post, I’d like to share some of Bailey’s tips with you, as well as some personal recommendations from my colleagues at adesso. Who knows, maybe you’ll come across a tip or two that will help you emerge from the subaquatic world of working from home.

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Inside adesso

WorkAdventure is a game that allows you to recreate the familiar feeling of being in an office or to meet someone by chance at a conference online. This is how we got on.

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In my blog post, I’d like to introduce you to an incredibly versatile method for recording, analysing and documenting processes. The brown paper method is shaped by interactive collaboration, especially on site. I would like to share my experiences with you to demonstrate how the method can be adapted during a pandemic and still be applied on site.

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