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  • UX Design

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25.06.2024 By Marc Hatt

Understanding UX: Prototyping

Picture Marc Hatt

UX and UI design are often misunderstood activities. For laypeople who have heard of it in the context of an IT project, it most likely means: "Make sure the end product looks good". We shed light on this preconception and show the added value UX, or digital design in general, can generate.

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The life cycle assessment of digital solutions reveals that client devices are responsible for a significant portion of the environmental impact of these solutions. In our guidelines for concept developers and designers, we at adesso have laid out ways in which the digital design process can help reduce their environmental impact. I will show you how sustainable digital design works in this blog post.

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A good UX/UI design incorporates digital accessibility from the start. This not only benefits people with disabilities, but also makes the user interface appealing and easy to use for everyone. As an IT service provider, we should actively work to integrate digital accessibility and ensure that our products and services are accessible to everyone.

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I want to use this blog post to tell you about the hurdles I encounter when using PCs as well as the Internet from the perspective of a person with a quite pronounced visual impairment. I want to use this blog post to draw attention to issues that people with better eyes do not perceive, or perceive only to a limited extent. However, there are tools that can make everyday life much easier. I will also give them a brief mention here.

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13.09.2022 By Eva-Maria Kynast

Navigation for your website

Picture Eva-Maria Kynast

Do you remember when we did not have navigation devices? We would chart the route on a map or an atlas, but did not always end up where we wanted to go. Thankfully we now have services such as Google Maps. In most cases, we are shown many different route options, since there are many ways to reach your destination. This is the same case with websites. In this blog post, I would like to show you what different types of site navigation there are and what things you need to consider to ensure that your customers do not end up on another site.

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Artificial intelligence is set to transform our lives. The task of UX design is to strengthen trust in AI-driven software and, above all else, increase our quality of life in the future. The following blog post explores key questions and describes the best methods to find solutions to them.

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Dark patterns are interface designs specifically designed to deceive. They trick users into performing certain actions that they did not intend and that may be contrary to their interests. In this blog post, I demonstrate the power of UX design.

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Inside adesso

27.05.2021 By Ines Weigel

Usability and colour

Picture Ines Weigel

Colours have significant meaning in our lives and trigger feelings and emotions in us, making them a key factor when designing the user experience. The choice of colour can also influence the behaviour and decisions of users. In my blog post, I explain the role of colour contrasts, certain symbols and the visual hierarchies.

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Inside adesso

18.03.2021 By Carolin Höhn

Factor for success: design systems

Picture Carolin Höhn

In the world of digital design, the concept of making things smoother and more efficient to create higher-value solutions is gaining momentum. My blog post explains what design systems are, what sets them apart and how you stand to benefit.

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