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At the end of February 2024, the International Association of Standardisation Organisations (IAF/ISO) decided to include the aspect of climate change and climate adaptation as a binding addition to the existing standard requirements in chapters 4.1 and 4.2. The supplementary requirement must be implemented immediately and without a transition period in all management systems. The aim of this addition is to take into account the effects of climate change in connection with achieving the desired objectives of the management system. My blog post describes topics that may become relevant for companies as a result of the decision.

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10.06.2024 By Marcel Penstorf and Tina Sänger

New thresholds for contract awards until 2025 and hidden opportunities


The European Commission recently set the euro thresholds for 2024 and 2025, but there is more to these figures than meets the eye. This blog post looks at the impact these thresholds will have on companies and contracting authorities at both European and national level. We also shed light on hidden opportunities in procurement procedures and provide practical tips for maximising the chances of being awarded a contract.

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14.02.2024 By Mohammad Qasem

An introduction to the EU Data Act

Picture Mohammad Qasem

European legislators have imposed strict regulation on the digital space in recent years. In addition to the much-discussed EU IoT Act, other important regulations such as the Data Governance Act and the Data Act have come into force. The Data Act in particular has attracted special attention due to its impact on IoT device manufacturers, service providers and start-ups. The Data Act, which entered into force on 11 January 2024, will apply from September 2025. In my blog post, I discuss its objectives, effects and requirements for all stakeholders.

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The Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) was finalised at the end of 2023 after intensive negotiations between the European Parliament and the European Council. The debates were characterised by talks on the definition of AI and the categorisation of systems into risk classes. Numerous details were clarified, in particular regarding unacceptable risk (highest risk level) AI systems and high-risk AI systems. National interests and the development of certain technologies played an important role, such as the ban on real-time biometric identification in public spaces and the use of foundation models or generative AI. I will show you in this blog post what the EU AI Act looks like in detail.

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Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is set to play a key role in shaping the coming industrial revolution. With the EU AI Act, the European Union is taking a leading role on the global stage. But what about other major powers like the US and the People’s Republic of China? In my blog post, I would like to outline the differences and similarities between the approaches each one is taking.

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In an increasingly digitalised world where data is transmitted to other countries, it is essential that personal data is protected. This is especially true when it comes to the cross-border transfer of health data. In this blog post, I will explain what impact the Data Privacy Framework has on the transfer of health data between the EU and the US and what effect this has on how digital health apps are run.

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Working on and supporting projects in the life sciences sector means dealing with a whole host of regulatory requirements. In this blog post, I will provide an overview of which standards, regulations, laws and guidelines might be involved and what impact they have on project management.

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The European Union’s proposed AI Act will make working with artificial intelligence (AI) on a daily basis even more complex. Some potential AI applications might end up on a blacklist, while others remain untouched, but in a way, both applications use the same technology. It feels like AI roulette. The entire situation is poised to cause doubts during the idea phase of potential AI applications – namely, is my AI idea allowed? This is a question that crops up a lot at the moment.

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Artificial intelligence has already become a fixture in many areas of our professional and private lives. In addition to the obvious question of copyright in documents and texts, we also need to make sure we get the basics right, especially when it comes to AI models. This is where the EU’s AI Act comes into play. In my blog post, I will take a brief look back at how the EU AI Act came into being and explain exactly what it is.

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