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Data is the basis for all business processes as well as a company’s value chain. Purchasing customer data records allows companies to place highly customised, targeted product offers, which increases conversion rates and subsequently sales. This is exactly where digital regulation comes in to play. In our blog post, we will explain what this looks like and how regulatory changes affect AI and data projects.

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Software Development

How nice would it be to live in a world in which you as a software user wouldn’t have to care about 99 per cent of what went on and your data would still be protected. That can be more than just a dream. In the second part of my ‘Data protection in software development’ blog series, I explain what you should keep in mind when it comes to software development and introduce the principle of privacy by default.

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Software Development

19.01.2021 By Tobias Deininger

Data protection in software development

Picture Tobias Deininger

Does the issue of data protection always give you a headache? Us developers are confronted with huge challenges time and again, especially when we’re only made aware of the requirements for the software we have to develop late on in the development phase. In the first part of my ‘Data protection in software development’ series, I would like to introduce you to the principle of privacy by design.

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