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Digital Experience

In our blog post, you can find out about the benefits of the new focal partnership between the SAP Commerce Cloud as a shop solution and Contentful as a CMS.

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Digital Experience

21.06.2022 By René El Fatuaki

Unified commerce – the future of commerce

Picture René El Fatuaki

Unified commerce combines e-commerce, order management, customer relationship management, point of sale and much more on one platform. Due to the broad scope of the topic, my blog post will primarily focus on the central role played by the customer data platform and explain how order management can be optimised through unified commerce.

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Digital Experience

Shopping patterns changed a lot during the Covid-19 pandemic. Due to the lockdowns and temporary closure of brick-and-mortar shops, consumers’ focus has shifted to the digital world. Composable commerce now delivers a new approach to digital commerce. But what is the common definition of ‘composable commerce’? And why should companies opt for composable commerce? I will answer these questions in my blog post.

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Digital Experience

For years, or even decades, every facet of e-commerce has been discussed long and wide. But recently, the term ‘digital commerce’ or ‘d-commerce’ has been creeping into the conversation. Is this just a new, digitally inspired name for an old concept? Or should we take a closer look at the definition of digital commerce? Where do these types of commerce differ and how are they similar? And how do be benefit from this knowledge going forward? To answer these questions, let’s take a little dive into the world of e-commerce and d-commerce.

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Digital Experience

Our blog series presents results from the current adesso study ‘What online shoppers want and companies offer’. We asked online customers about their customer satisfaction in e-commerce and representatives of companies about what they do in terms of customer experience. We compared the results, and there were several areas where the responses from the two sides diverged. In this blog post we introduce the topic ‘offline meets online’.

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Digital Experience

Our blog series presents results from the current adesso study ‘What online shoppers want and companies offer’. In it we asked 1,000 online shoppers what makes for a good customer experience and polled hundreds of companies to find out what they do to ensure online customers have a pleasant shopping experience. Comparing the results produced some interesting insights and revealed gaps in the responses from the two groups. This article will focus on personalised marketing, marketing automation and account-based marketing.

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Digital Experience

The new blog series presents results of the current adesso study "What online shoppers want and companies offer": Parallel to the 1,000 end consumers, we also asked 373 companies what they do in marketing and sales to ensure that online shoppers like to shop. The result was an exciting comparison that revealed a number of gaps. The blog series kicks off with the topic of customer experience.

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Digital Experience

Decision-makers in marketing need a promising solution portfolio to align their processes as closely as possible to the customer journey of their customers. To achieve this, internal and external systems should be able to ‘communicate’ smoothly in the background so that the customer takes away only one thing in the end: the perfect customer experience. In my blog post, I explain why interoperability is a factor for success and what role a digital experience platform plays.

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Digital Experience

e-commerce in 2021 should feel easy and smart and not make customers want to abandon their shopping baskets as a result of pointless media disruptions and regulations. In this blog post, I explain the advantages of a digital experience platform and why companies need to impress their customers with seamless customer experiences.

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