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Agile approaches are now very widely accepted. Scrum is often used as a framework and fixed events (meetings) are specified, among other things. Projects in the insurance industry often employ an agile approach, too. Despite that, employees and stakeholders sometimes harbour prejudices. I used to be project controller in a previous life, during which time I was involved in an agile project and was confronted with prejudices at the beginning. In my blog post, I would like to talk about prejudices and my own practical experiences regarding agile approaches based on Scrum.

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Software Development

14.06.2021 By Dominik Wehberg

CSS cascade made easy | CSS cascading

Picture Dominik Wehberg

CSS is short for cascading style sheet. But how exactly does the cascade work? I'll explore this topic and lead you through the CSS inheritance process on the pages to follow. You will also learn all about the different types of style sheets and how the weighting of individual selectors is calculated in detail.

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01.04.2021 By Gregory Reeder

Reducing costs with container-based testing

Picture Gregory Reeder

Imagine the following scenario: a company wants to test its software internally without accessing external services. It goes without saying that costs play a role in this. That’s why in this blog post we are going to explain how container-based testing can reduce the costs of testing.

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Inside adesso

Even the most impressive UX design will not sell well if the user interface is no good. So in this blog post, I want to provide creative developers and UX designers with a hands-on guide.

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Software Development

Data is the new gold of the digital age. So why not own as much as possible? The answer to this question is presented in the third part of my ‘privacy in software development’ blog series. I’ll also introduce you to the principle of data minimisation in more detail.

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Software Development

How nice would it be to live in a world in which you as a software user wouldn’t have to care about 99 per cent of what went on and your data would still be protected. That can be more than just a dream. In the second part of my ‘Data protection in software development’ blog series, I explain what you should keep in mind when it comes to software development and introduce the principle of privacy by default.

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Microservice-based architectures are a current trend for transforming information systems. But how can these architectures be implemented? The most commonly used solution is Camunda's BPM engine. In my blog post, I show you how this solution also enables microservice choreography.

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28.01.2021 By Eva-Maria Kynast

UX design for projects without a UX designer

Picture Eva-Maria Kynast

Not every project has a UX designer. The requirements engineer is often asked to perform a kind of dual role – ‘they can do that little bit of UX as well, no problem’. I’d like to use this post to expand your UX horizons a little to help you understand the basics and possibly highlight a few important points to consider when designing software solutions.

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Inside adesso

‘Will a software project be completed on time?’ or ‘What costs will be incurred?’ - there are many situations in which estimates are made. However, regardless of the type of estimate, my conclusion will remain the same: I believe we should not make decisions in software projects based on estimates. There are better alternatives.

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