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Electronic legal transactions are a first, and very important, step in the digitalisation of the judicial system. In this blog post, I will present the main points based on almost three years of in-depth work on electronic legal transactions, explore the technical challenges at the moment and describe ways you can tackle them.

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31.10.2023 By Niklas-Alexander Schneider

Digital health devices: How successful implementation works

Picture Niklas-Alexander Schneider

Despite their immense potential, the implementation of digital health devices also provides a few hurdles. To overcome these challenges, implementing digital health devices in hospitals requires a strategic approach. Despite these challenges, Swiss healthcare stakeholders are actively promoting digital health initiatives.

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24.10.2023 By Kismet Ekinci

Prevention apps: the digital key to health?

Picture Kismet Ekinci

Prevention apps are digital tools that seek to increase user awareness for health and proactively prevent diseases. They can take the form of online interventions, mobile apps or hybrid training formats. In this blog post, I explain what exactly prevention apps are, the regulatory and technical requirements associated with them and whether it makes sense to develop one in the first place.

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Manufacturing companies are undergoing a transformation: the digitalisation of production promises efficiency and innovation, but also harbours risks. The networking of machines, IT systems and cloud services opens up unimagined potential, but what about IT security?

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As we have all seen, digitalisation has made inroads across all sectors in recent years, including in the waste management industry. The rollout of digital technologies and solutions represents a great opportunity to make more efficient use of resources, improve process transparency and achieve greater sustainability in waste management. Despite this, companies and public authorities face a number of challenges. I will explain what these are and how companies can overcome them in my blog post.

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Modern media companies are well aware that the ‘last mile’ is one of the most important steps in the production of dailies. If the paper comes late or it is not in perfect condition, readers will quickly become unhappy with the service. If this happens frequently, they will not wait long to cancel their subscription. In this blog post, I will describe how adesso optimises the last mile in newspaper delivery.

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15.09.2023 By Philipp Mader

A guide to the digital pension overview

Picture Philipp Mader

In this blog post, I would like to describe what the digital pension overview is, why the platform represents an important step towards greater transparent in retirement provisions and what changes insurance companies have to make to adapt.

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The growing number of heat pumps, photovoltaic systems and wallboxes for EVs that are installed presents energy suppliers and grid operators with the challenge of how to handle the deluge of requests for grid connections and extensions. In this blog post, I will show you how we can help our customers meet this challenge.

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Occupational pension schemes and occupational health insurance plans are often faced with the challenge of having to implement a digital solution. In practical terms, this means they have to prepare the corresponding tender documents (including a catalogue of requirements), define the evaluation criteria for the quotations they receive and choose which of the bidding companies they wish to go with. You can find out how adesso supports (prospective) customers during the tender process in my blog post.

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