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  • Digitalization

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28.03.2023 By Patrick Kübler

Digitalisation assessment for production

Picture Patrick Kübler

Digitalisation projects often face two problems: either there is no real idea of what to start with at the very beginning, or those involved are generally looking for new ideas for digitalising production. This is where our digitalisation assessment for production comes in. I will describe what all this is about and how we use it to support our customers in my blog post.

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Digital Experience

27.03.2023 By Xenia Wigandt

Beautiful world, where are you?

Picture Xenia Wigandt

The automotive industry faces a major challenge in combining offline and digital experiences to create a seamless customer journey. The buzzword “metaverse” has emerged as a possible solution to this challenge. I explain what this is all about in my blog post.

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Industries with large amounts of sensitive customer data, such as insurance providers or banks, need to make sure that only the ‘right’ people have access to this data if they want to offer their customers the convenience of online services. I want to use this blog post to show you how this topic has developed in recent years.

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Imagine the following scenario: manufacturing companies see the suppliers’ stock levels in the system and can say exactly when the delivery will be made, and bottlenecks no longer exist because the required amounts of product have been (re)ordered with the help of predictive monitoring. This will be possible in the future – namely with a self-driving supply chain. I will present this concept in more detail in my blog post.

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The digitalisation of occupational pension schemes is often still in its infancy. This is because there are a number of challenges for stakeholders that inhibit the advancement of IT solutions. But there are some excellent opportunities here, too. This blog post will explain what these are in excerpts.

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13.02.2023 By Juan Carlos Peñafiel Suárez

A day in the laboratory of the future

Picture Juan Carlos Peñafiel Suárez

Since work to redesign laboratories is already underway these days, it can be assumed that in ten years, the laboratories of the future will look much different than they do now. But how might they look? In my blog post, I will use the example of a fictitious scientist named Alva to describe the day-to-day work in a laboratory in the year 2033.

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02.02.2023 By Katja Dippel

Trends in the insurance industry for 2023

Picture Katja Dippel

The to-do list for IT managers in insurance companies might get quite long in 2023. One tool for overcoming these challenges, as well as for exploiting their potential, is innovative IT technologies and methods. In my blog post, I will present eight focus topics that the adesso Insurance Team has identified.

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Inside adesso

In order to achieve sustainability goals in companies, sustainability must first be better understood – because without reliable information as a basis for decision-making, it is impossible to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of measures. This blog post will show where and how digital technologies can help with this.

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In recent years, digitalisation has shown us how quickly and extensively change can occur in the economy and society. A successful transformation requires rapid adaptations to environmental conditions and places high demands on innovative ability. But the biggest obstacle is the shortage of skilled workers. This blog post will describe where the shortage of skilled workers is particularly noticeable and the consequences it might entail.

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