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In the first part of the blog series on blockchain we outlined the historical development of blockchain technology. Now we turn our attention to the Swiss financial centre: How has the fintech scene developed in the area of blockchain since the banking crisis and the birth of Bitcoin?

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07.07.2022 By Tim Strohschneider

Cognitive search – finding instead of searching

Picture Tim Strohschneider

A new generation of search engine software is forming that additionally integrates AI technologies, such as machine learning: cognitive computing. In my blog post, I’ll explain how cognitive search works and why it’s a valuable tool for companies.

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23.06.2022 By Maximilian Berger and Tim Strohschneider

Enterprise search – finding instead of searching


Enterprise search solutions serve as a fundamental building block of the digital workplace and are therefore a daily companion for everyday work – a kind of ‘Google in the company’. In this blog post, I’ll explain what enterprise search is all about and what benefits it entails.

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Our observations show that with mobile working models, flexible working hours and digital alternatives, stability and productivity are entirely possible – in the financial world as well. The buzzword in this context is ‘new work’. In this blog post, I’d like to present in greater detail what the term actually means, how it affects banks and what the use cases that can be experienced in banking look like.

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Crypto currencies and digital payment methods have been fuelling the emergence of new trends and developments in the financial sector for several years; and they’ve gained significant impetus. Regulatory bodies are also reacting to the phenomenon by bringing order to the system. In this blog post, I’ll explain what consequences these developments have for the banking market and what the future of crypto currencies and digital assets might look like.

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03.03.2022 By Nehir Safak-Turhan

Why do banks need a sustainability strategy?

Picture Nehir Safak-Turhan

The megatrend of sustainability is the talk of the town. This topic doesn’t stop at the banking world; it will put the tried and true to the test and create something new. In my blog post, I provide a concrete explanation of what’s in store for banks.

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22.02.2022 By Tim Strohschneider

Identifying customers’ needs before they have them

Picture Tim Strohschneider

If we know what our customers will want tomorrow, we can make them the perfect offer today. Unfortunately, this is rarely successful, and products are usually just ‘dumped’ on thousands of people at a time. In my blog post, I will explain how the next-best-action approach can help banks anticipate the needs of customers and the next steps that would be best for them.

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Digital ecosystems and platforms are ushering in a new era in the development of innovative business models. In the banking market, too, the principle of platform-driven business models is gaining ground, as is exemplified by emerging concepts such as open banking and beyond banking. My blog post explains the reasons driving this shift and points out the obstacles that stand in the way of transformation.

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Whether it arrives on paper or as a PDF, vast amounts of information reach our banks via the documents they receive (digital or analogue). In order to make this information usable for further processing in digital processes, the relevant information must be read out correctly and passed on to the right place in the process. This blog post is about how we can reliably perform this process and others for our customers using text extraction.

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