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An efficient and flexible design of the IT systems is the basic prerequisite for high-performance banking operations. Even though the modernisation of IT is a great challenge, a benefit- and customer-oriented modernisation of the IT landscape is a mandatory prerequisite for more efficiency, customer orientation and sustainability of banks. In my blog post, I explain how core banking systems are brought up to the latest digital standards. Translated with (free version)

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13.12.2021 By Tim Strohschneider

Optimising financial transactions

Picture Tim Strohschneider

Regulatory requirements, changing customer expectations and increasing complexity pose new challenges for existing financial transaction systems. Using approaches based on artificial intelligence (AI) can optimise this significantly.

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Any company has a number of (business) processes, particularly so the financial services sector. They involve activities that need to be performed to process a business transaction, for example. Process modelling graphically represents this (business) process by depicting the chronological sequence of activities. But what advantages does this create and how can these be used in conjunction with digitisation?

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The area of surveillance, or in other words, the monitoring of processes for regulatory and compliance reasons, is enormously important for banks. Banks already use automated systems for these sorts of checks, but they don’t offer a one hundred per cent detection rate. In this blog post, I explain how artificial intelligence methods can be used to solve this problem.

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16.10.2020 By Alexander Eppenberger

Financial Services Technology – now and beyond

Picture Alexander Eppenberger

New technologies are emerging in the banking and financial services industry as a result of ever-changing customer expectations. Rapid sociological changes and advances in technologies are pushing financial institutions to become transparent and abandon conventional ways of doing business in banking and finance. With transaction processes being layered for privacy and safety reasons, customers are offered a large amount of customization in terms of products and services.

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