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Is personalisation on the Internet a topic of the future? Actually, it’s already a major topic now and is set to become even more important in the future! In this blog post, I will describe how you can profit from AI-powered personal communication and set your business and its products and services apart from the competition.

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User experience is the key to a satisfied customer. Unfortunately, providing a budget for this ‘key’ always seems to be too big a hurdle for managers who are interested in numbers. I would therefore like to present some UX KPIs (User Experience Key Performance Indicators) here that show, based on numbers, how UX can be measured and what these key figures reveal. This may convince more number fans to invest in UX in the future.

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Digital Experience

For many companies, digital marketing is an excellent way to reach their target groups. Making contact with potential customers is valuable. But how do you convert prospects into customers? With the help of a well-developed lead funnel! This has the specific objective of generating leads, that is, making contact with a potential customer and/or getting their contact information.

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Digital Experience

e-commerce in 2021 should feel easy and smart and not make customers want to abandon their shopping baskets as a result of pointless media disruptions and regulations. In this blog post, I explain the advantages of a digital experience platform and why companies need to impress their customers with seamless customer experiences.

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Digital Experience

Today, marketers need to rethink their organisational models and embrace new technologies to create differentiated customer interactions optimised for digital channels. In our blog post, you will learn the ten most important reasons why the use of a marketing automation solution ensures the success of digital marketing.

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Field service management is presently evolving in many industries: Companies from the manufacturing, logistics and medical technology sectors, but also from the fleet rental and real estate industries, commission us to implement field service management projects. The objective is to improve the customer service experience with the help of software such as Microsoft Dynamics 365. A better organised field service is expected to boost customer satisfaction. Read this blog post to find out which five factors are important in this context.

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Digital Experience

Anyone involved in content marketing should also be concerned with the subject of personalisation. Powerful digital experience platforms (DXP) offer cloud and AI-based personalisation services to deliver the best experience for every customer. I explain in my blog post what you should pay attention to in terms of personalisation and the benefits of using a DXP.

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Digital Experience

To deliver outstanding digital experiences, you need to keep several factors in mind. These include content, personalisation, e-commerce and interoperability. This blog series explains what is meant by this and how you can take these factors into account and use them to support you on a technical level. Let’s start with the content.

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Digital Experience

Despite the global pandemic, IT budgets are increasing and the march of digitalisation is set to continue. But IT and marketing departments often find themselves at odds with one another. That’s why in this blog post, I’m going to show you how to set up a customer-centric application and a modern system that can be fully integrated and continuously developed in small steps.

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