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Digital Experience

14.03.2025 By Kim Wesche

In the jungle of e-commerce

Picture Kim Wesche

The e-commerce market is an impenetrable jungle of buzzwords, technologies and platforms. Anyone who starts here without a plan will quickly end up in an expensive dead end. But don't worry: adesso knows the best way through the thicket. Whether cloud migration, system modernisation or best-of-breed approaches - we navigate strategically through the technology jungle, across all manufacturers. Ready for the right course? Then pack your compass and learn how to make your e-commerce fit for the future!

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Digital Experience

Companies are faced with the challenge of inspiring their customers with customised experiences. In my blog post, I show how a customer journey is at the heart of customer experience management. You will learn how companies can pave the way to long-term customer loyalty with a holistic approach.

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In an increasingly complex and individualised world of healthcare, the demand for personalised solutions in health insurance is growing. The introduction of customised offers not only has the potential to increase customer satisfaction but also to optimise the entire customer journey. In this blog post, I explore how these individualised approaches are changing the interaction between insurance companies and policyholders and what impact they could have on the future of healthcare.

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Digital Experience

In a world where your customers are constantly connected and have access to a wealth of information and options, it is more important than ever to choose the right technology platforms to optimise interactions. This blog post will show how insurance providers can increase their efficiency and boost sales by choosing the right platforms.

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Digital Experience

Digitalisation has transformed the insurance industry, and companies need to develop a true omnichannel strategy to remain competitive. And that is what we will discuss today in part two of our five-part series for insurance providers. This blog post will explain the key foundations for success that keep customers happy and insurance providers competitive.

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Digital Experience

How can insurance companies stay competitive and grow their business in the digital world? One way to do this is by providing an unbeatable customer experience. In this five-part blog series, we will show you how insurance providers are extracting the greatest opportunities from the customer experience and achieving real success.

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Who in the insurance industry hasn’t lost time trying to look up customer policies? A customer calls, provides their policy number and wants information about their policy. The person they’ve called searches for the policy in the system, for instance in a partner application, and can’t find it. This forces them to perform a time-consuming, potentially complicated search using the contract partner’s name. Once they find the policy, they then have to copy and paste the policy number into the inventory system. adesso’s Customer 360° solution makes this process a whole lot simpler. In my blog post, I will explain what this software component can do and what advantages it offers. And by the way, this solution is so flexible and adaptable that it can also be used in other industries.

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In the first part of my blog post, I used a persona to derive the requirements of Generation Alpha for insurance providers. In this blog post, I will explain what the next generation of insurance customers values and how insurance providers can prepare for these demands and needs.

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In my previous blog posts in this series, I described what the persona of a new customer might look like in five to ten years. In the most recent post, I then used this persona to derive the requirements of Generation Alpha for insurance providers. In this blog post, I will focus on the customer journey and explain why insurance providers should engage with Generation Alpha and the potential it holds.

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