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In the energy industry, GenAI opens up new opportunities to increase efficiency and overcome complex challenges. In order to develop (Gen)AI topics and use cases successfully and in a targeted manner, a structured framework is essential. In this blog post, I describe a multi-level framework that provides guidance for the development of use cases and takes into account GenAI-specific requirements.

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AI is indispensable for companies' customer relationships in the digital world. It automates processes, analyses data intelligently and adapts content in real time. This enables customer needs to be better met, customer behaviour to be analysed in detail and all touchpoints of the customer journey to be optimised. I present further insights and solutions in my blog post.

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The growth in the importance of artificial intelligence (AI) in recent years cannot be attributed to individual factors, but rather to the synergy of various interconnected and mutually reinforcing advances. Five factors are fuelling the rapid development of the AI movement. This blog post shows what these are in detail.

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With advances in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning, object tracking algorithms such as Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) and Single Object Tracking (SOT) are becoming increasingly intelligent and enable more accurate and faster object tracking. In this blog post, I show how MOT and SOT perform in different situations and present the results of an experiment that sheds light on the ideal application of object tracking.

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We live in a time in which digital networking is constantly increasing and at the same time the number of cyber attacks is rising rapidly. These attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated and represent a considerable burden for both companies and government organisations. This blog post shows how AI is being used in cybersecurity both as a tool for attackers and as a means of defence.

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22.04.2024 By Jonas Vöhringer

GenAI goes Energy

Picture Jonas Vöhringer

Künstliche Intelligenz ist unaufhaltsam auf dem Vormarsch. Mit der Generativen Künstlichen Intelligenz (kurz GenAI) hat das Thema eine neue Dimension erreicht, die tiefgreifende Veränderungen mit sich bringt - auch in der Energiewirtschaft. Über welche Marktrollen sich die Anwendungsfelder erstrecken und wie der Einstieg gelingt, zeige ich in diesem Blog-Beitrag.

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19.03.2024 By Tim Bunkus

Why Generative AI?

Picture Tim Bunkus

The world of artificial intelligence (AI) has evolved rapidly with the introduction of generative models such as ChatGPT. This blog post takes a look at use cases for generative AI and considers the future possibilities of this technology.

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18.03.2024 By Hansjörg Süess

AI – our CEO answers seldomly asked questions

Picture Hansjörg Süess

Today we want to address issues that are often overlooked when it comes to Artificial Intelligence, but which are no less relevant.

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29.02.2024 By Sascha Windisch and Immo Weber

Retrieval Augmented Generation: LLM on steroids


Large Language Models (LLMs), above all ChatGPT, have taken all areas of computer science by storm over the past year. As they are trained on a broad database, LLMs are fundamentally application-agnostic. Despite their extensive knowledge, however, they have gaps, particularly in highly specialised applications, which in the worst case can only appear to be compensated for by hallucinations. To reduce this risk, "Retrieval Augmented Generation" (RAG) has been established.

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