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22.02.2022 By Tim Strohschneider

Identifying customers’ needs before they have them

Picture Tim Strohschneider

If we know what our customers will want tomorrow, we can make them the perfect offer today. Unfortunately, this is rarely successful, and products are usually just ‘dumped’ on thousands of people at a time. In my blog post, I will explain how the next-best-action approach can help banks anticipate the needs of customers and the next steps that would be best for them.

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Whether it arrives on paper or as a PDF, vast amounts of information reach our banks via the documents they receive (digital or analogue). In order to make this information usable for further processing in digital processes, the relevant information must be read out correctly and passed on to the right place in the process. This blog post is about how we can reliably perform this process and others for our customers using text extraction.

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At the beginning of the global pandemic, the switch to mobile working was another wake-up call for many companies to invest more in digitalisation. A complete integration of all company processes into a few central systems often requires very high investments and can rarely be realised in a short amount of time. One possible solution to this situation is robotic process automation (or RPA). We explain what this is all about in our blog post.

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16.11.2021 By Jan Jungnitsch and Ann-Kathrin Bendig

A life coach as a holistic approach to personalised customer contact


The core task of insurance sales is to generate new customers and to ensure existing customers remain loyal to the company in the long term by providing ongoing consultancy and managing their needs. The key to success is to individualise each customer to the greatest extent possible through deliberate actions and recommendations. In our blog article, we show how this can be achieved and why insurers need to be proactive.

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17.09.2021 By Jan Jungnitsch and Ann-Kathrin Bendig

From black box to white box


The decision-making process, i.e., how an AI arrives at its result, must be comprehensible and transparently communicable to all stakeholders. This is especially true within the insurance industry. Meaning a transformation of the black box into a white box is needed. This is where Explainable AI (XAI) comes into play. We explain what this is all about in our blog post.

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IT and business come together to form a value creation system in which the democratisation of technology is shifting the areas of responsibility and new processes and organisational structures are emerging. At the same time, there is an opportunity for a new culture of cooperation. I explain how this all ties together in my blog post.

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14.07.2021 By Dr. Zeljko Dzunic and Matthias Proschinger

Low code and AI: the next big step in the AI adoption strategy – part 2


The field of artificial intelligence (AI) is arguably the biggest technological driver of the future, but projects often fail due to the complexity of their implementation or a lack of experts. In the first part of this series, we tried to answer the question of how low-code platforms can facilitate AI adoption. In this part, we will now take look at intelligent process automation – a combination of different technologies: artificial Intelligence, low code and robotic process automation (RPA). What are the advantages of using this combination? Using a well-known use case with SAP, we will introduce you to the advantages of intelligent process automation to optimise workflows.

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The coronavirus pandemic saw a substantial rise in the use of video conferences. But it’s impossible to imagine them not being part of our everyday work lives even after everything returns to normal. However, since video conferences also have a few disadvantages in comparison to face-to-face communication, I’d like to use my blog post to explain how AI can help to improve your attention span during video conferences.

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To ensure that AI initiatives don’t fall short of their objectives, insurance providers need to take a holistic approach that also includes people – both customers and employees. As I’ve mentioned in a few of my previous blog posts, there are quite a number of challenges involved in deploying AI-based systems. This blog post deals with the specifics of the approach and how it differs from traditional projects. I will not go into regulatory aspects in this post.

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