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The degree of digitalisation in facultative business is still significantly lower than in other areas of the company, even among the largest reinsurers. The reason lies in the nature of the business: it works with few, highly individualised contracts - but business processes that work with a high degree of standardisation and large volumes are best digitised. With the latest advances in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), the tide is turning: new solutions can be a game changer to increase the efficiency and quality of facultative underwriting and make data available for other applications.

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26.02.2024 By Phuong Huong Nguyen and Veronika Tsishetska

Mass generation of machine-generated summaries with Aleph Alpha Luminous


When searching for relevant sources for editorial work, specialised knowledge databases are indispensable. But even in this rich pool, the search is often laborious. The solution? Concise summaries of each entry that enable a quick assessment of relevance. In our blog post, we present proven concepts for the mass generation of machine-generated summaries with Aleph Alpha Luminous and report on a realised customer project.

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Workflow orchestration and workflow engines are crucial components in modern data processing and software development, especially in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). These technologies make it possible to efficiently manage and coordinate various tasks and processes within complex data pipelines. In this blog post, we present Prefect, an intuitive tool for orchestrating workflows in AI development.

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The emergence of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) has triggered a veritable hype in all sectors. The energy industry can also benefit from this. From automated document processing to grid optimisation - in my blog post, I show how GenAI can help master the challenges of the energy transition and digitalisation.

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08.02.2024 By Azza Baatout and Marc Mezger

Hydra - Professional Configuration management for AI Projects


In today's world, which is characterised by increasing complexity in software development, the efficient management of project configurations is of central importance. Especially in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), where flexibility and precision are crucial, Hydra enables efficient professionalisation. This blog post gives a brief introduction to Hydra and shows how this tool, with its dynamic functions, is redefining the management of software projects, especially in the field of AI.

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Microsoft has invested in OpenAI to gain access to ChatGPT, and the company is now integrating generative AI into tools such as Microsoft 365. These AI-based copilots improve productivity and efficiency, especially in regulated industries where you find many recurring tasks and large amounts of data. Copilots help optimise workflows as financial or claims management tools. My blog post will take a look at Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365, a tool that is used in the banking and insurance sector, as one example of an AI-supported assistant.

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30.01.2024 By Tim Bunkus

What is generative AI?

Picture Tim Bunkus

Generative AI has been everyone’s mind since ChatGPT came on to the scene. But what exactly does this term mean and how is generative AI different from the well-established concepts of machine and deep learning? This blog post takes a general look at AI technologies and highlights the differences that make generative AI so intriguing and promising in an ever-changing world.

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GenAI opens up great opportunities for insurance companies to generate value. Likewise, it is also becoming a key driver of their digital transformation. The rapidly evolving technology can be used to automate and speed up insurance processes and significantly improve the customer experience. From a financial perspective, insurers benefit from GenAI’s ability to more accurately assess risks.

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Ethical considerations should be at the forefront of AI development to harness the full potential of AI while minimizing its negative consequences.

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