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In times of WhatsApp, chatbots and artificial intelligence, giving insured persons the chance to reach insurers via any channel is a goal that does not always succeed in the insurance industry. If you look at the developments taking place in the insurance market, you will see that it is no longer just about being individually accessible but that it is more a matter of winning the customer (digitally) where they are and where they move around. Hobbies and passions come to the fore and, as a consequence, interfaces to ecosystems. But what makes ecosystems interesting for end customers, insurers and brokers?

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To ensure that AI initiatives don’t fall short of their objectives, insurance providers need to take a holistic approach that also includes people – both customers and employees. As I’ve mentioned in a few of my previous blog posts, there are quite a number of challenges involved in deploying AI-based systems. This blog post deals with the specifics of the approach and how it differs from traditional projects. I will not go into regulatory aspects in this post.

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The company pension scheme is promoted by the German Act to Strengthen Occupational Pensions (Betriebsrentenstärkungsgesetz, BRSG) of 2018. Employers are obliged to support their employees in building up a pension by making a contribution towards their deferred compensation. Previously, this contribution was only obligatory for new policies dated 1 January 2019 or later. As of 1 January 2022, employers will be obliged to pay this subsidy for all existing pension scheme policies. What challenges do insurance companies and pension providers have to face? And how can these be overcome? I’ll explain how in this blog post.

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The penetration rate of company pension schemes in Germany has decreased once again. Despite all of the recommendations and numerous incentives, such as those provided in the German Act to Strengthen Occupational Pensions (Betriebsrentenstärkungsgesetz, BRSG), it doesn’t look anything is about to buck this trend. How can we make company pension schemes more attractive without increasing the administrative burden on employers, excluding pension providers and reducing transparency into the wide range of company pension scheme options even further? As the title of this blog post suggests, a standard product is the method of choice for increasing the uptake of company pension schemes and thus the level of retirement security for today’s workers.

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Agile approaches are now very widely accepted. Scrum is often used as a framework and fixed events (meetings) are specified, among other things. Projects in the insurance industry often employ an agile approach, too. Despite that, employees and stakeholders sometimes harbour prejudices. I used to be project controller in a previous life, during which time I was involved in an agile project and was confronted with prejudices at the beginning. In my blog post, I would like to talk about prejudices and my own practical experiences regarding agile approaches based on Scrum.

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17.06.2021 By Christopher Wildt

Did the Act to BRSG achieve the desired results?

Picture Christopher Wildt

The BRSG has created new opportunities for pension insurance providers to generate added sales and provided incentives for employers and consumers alike. In spite of this all, the BRSG has failed to deliver the desired results or gain broad traction. In my blog post, I will examine the situation as it currently stands and explain the causes underlying this.

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Moving house might mean you have to change your doctor. But doctors need information about their new patients. Does that mean you have to arduously collect documents such as doctor’s letters, X-rays and hospital discharge reports? Is that particular doctor still practicing? Or will you have to go through all of the examinations all over again – possibly at great expense? Isn’t there a digital solution for medical records here?

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Any company has a number of (business) processes, particularly so the financial services sector. They involve activities that need to be performed to process a business transaction, for example. Process modelling graphically represents this (business) process by depicting the chronological sequence of activities. But what advantages does this create and how can these be used in conjunction with digitisation?

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Drawing on mega- and gigatrends as well as other methods, futurologists try to paint a picture of what the world might look like in the future. As we all know, novels and science fiction films or series often already do a pretty good job of giving us a good look at the world of tomorrow. But can insurance sales divisions glean useful information from this for the future? I think they can. Read this blog post to find out more about my thoughts on this topic.

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