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17.05.2023 By Stephen Lorenzen, Jonas Schnorrenberg and Maximilian Hammes

The path to climate neutrality – Costa Rica as a role model?


Costa Rica is a pioneer in climate neutrality and offers impressive measures to protect the environment. In our blog post, we will take a closer look at the impressive measures Costa Rica has taken to become climate neutral and explore the question of whether Germany can learn from Costa Rica in order to achieve its own climate goals.

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11.05.2023 By Ellen Szczepaniak, Simon Bächle and Zoe Holdt

E-world energy & water 2023 – we will be there! Will you?


adesso of course cannot be missing at the leading European trade fair for the energy industry in Essen, Germany! And we have some highlights in store. From a business breakfast on the topic of grid connection portals to interesting facts about hydrogen and exciting insights into our innovative VideKIS research project on virtual power plants, this trade fair has it all. In this blog post, we will focus primarily on the VideKIS research project.

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25.04.2023 By Heike Willkomm, Marianna Thomsen and Stephen Lorenzen

The energy crisis – a welcome emergency brake for corporate change?


The energy crisis is having a massive impact on our lives and businesses. The energy industry has been hit particularly hard. Companies need to adapt and implement change. This blog post is about how companies can manage change.

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19.04.2023 By Ellen Szczepaniak, Zoe Holdt and Simon Bächle

A hydropower plant with commitment


Protecting nature and the environment is an ever-present topic in politics and the media – as well as in our neighbourhoods! In our blog post, we want to tell you about the nature rangers in the Sauerland, who are committed to education and nature conservation and as a result, have even leased a hydroelectric power plant.

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13.04.2023 By Jonas Schnorrenberg, Stephen Lorenzen and Maximilian Hammes

Europe relies on liquefied natural gas (LNG) – a look at the current European LNG situation


In Germany, the focus is on six floating terminals – in addition to long-term plans for three fixed LNG terminals. But what about the LNG situation across Europe? We will give you a brief overview in our blog post.

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03.04.2023 By Ellen Szczepaniak, Simon Bächle and Timo Hartmann

Redispatch 3.0: bottleneck management through decentralised micro-plants?


Overloading can occur in the electricity grid if the feed-in power from renewable energies is higher than the forecasted amount. Redispatching enables the grid operator to regulate the feed-in power of power plants and in turn ensure grid stability. So far, the redispatch measures only cover large plants, which means they do not cover heat pumps, electric cars and home battery storage. However, there is also the potential to use them for the benefit of the grid, but this requires a new process: Redispatch 3.0.

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22.03.2023 By Jonas Schnorrenberg, Stephen Lorenzen and Maximilian Hammes

Quarterly check-in Q1/23 – what is the status of the energy crisis?


We want to use this blog post, which is part of a ‘check-in’ series that we will post every three months, to give you an overview of how Germany is handling the energy crisis and what exciting changes there have been around the energy industry.

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At the Stadtwerke Impact Day, experts from the energy sector discussed the latest challenges and solutions for an emissions-free future. adesso presented the innovative research project VideKIS and sat down with experts to talk about new distribution models and regional value creation. At the event, it became clear that time is running out. We need to take action now and work together to move the energy transition forward

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03.03.2023 By Zoe Holdt, Simon Bächle and Timo Hartmann

The energy sector – what will change in 2023?


In 2023, the energy sector is once again facing significant changes. The German energy transition is pursuing the ambitious goal of increasing its share of electricity from renewable energies to at least 80 per cent by 2030. The German Renewable Energy Sources Act 2023 (Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz, EEG 2023) plays a decisive role in the implementation of this plan. And the advancing digitalisation in this area is also leading to changes in market communications. In this blog post, both aspects will be examined in greater detail.

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