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On 24 November 2021, Germany’s Social Democrats, Greens and Free Democrats concluded on a coalition agreement that sets the course for the next legislative period. A central component is formed by energy industry specifications, measures and guidelines to enable a transition of the German energy sector and to accelerate the energy transition. We summarise the key points in our blog post.

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09.11.2021 By Corinna John

Green Cloud Computing

Picture Corinna John

How many kilometres of travel need to be saved to make a video conference ‘greener’ than a meeting or, in the end, isn't operating remotely generally much more resource-intensive than working traditionally on site? In my blog post, I introduce you to the Green Cloud Computing methodology and use the ‘video conference’ example calculation to answer the question of whether it is more environmentally friendly to attend a meeting on site or remotely from home.

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Inside adesso

The issue of sustainability is appearing in more and more media headlines and is becoming increasingly important in society as a whole. That’s why it’s also becoming increasingly important for companies to make conscious and considerate use of the resources they employ to ensure they meet the demands of all of their stakeholders (customers, employees and investors). In my blog post, I present four perspectives that companies can use to achieve their sustainability goals.

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