adesso Blog

Digital Experience

There is probably not a marketer out there who has not had to deal with content and commerce – or as it is often referred to, content-driven commerce. Omnichannel commerce is understood to mean being present on every channel – but wait: how is this different to unified commerce? Do you still know what all the different terms mean in the world of digital commerce? I would like to use this blog post to break down the different types of commerce...

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Digital Experience

20.09.2022 By Dominique Kompch and Laura Schöning

Self-service portals for the energy sector


The energy sector is in a constant state of cultural change. The driving force behind this change is the digital transformation of the entire energy market from power generation to billing, which also encompasses the megatrend of e-mobility. In addition, customers now expect a comprehensive customer experience across all touchpoints. Self-service portals are one way to deliver the seamless, end-to-end support they demand.

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Digital Experience

The first part of my blog explains what a digital asset management system is, what makes it special and what basic tasks it performs. Introducing such a system in a company results in various advantages. I will describe the most important of these benefits in detail in this blog post.

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Digital Experience

For many multi-brand corporations, the problem of a fragmented digital ecosystem is one that develops over time. Not only does the number of digital touchpoints and end devices constantly increase, but the number of technical and regulatory requirements rises, too. In my blog post, I will show you how companies can counter this problem and this challenge with the help of an example from a project.

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Digital Experience

This two-part blog post explains what a digital asset management system is and how companies stand to benefit from a digital asset management system. The first part of my blog explains what a digital asset management system is, what makes it special and what basic tasks it performs.

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Digital Experience

21.06.2022 By René El Fatuaki

Unified commerce – the future of commerce

Picture René El Fatuaki

Unified commerce combines e-commerce, order management, customer relationship management, point of sale and much more on one platform. Due to the broad scope of the topic, my blog post will primarily focus on the central role played by the customer data platform and explain how order management can be optimised through unified commerce.

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Digital Experience

Shopping patterns changed a lot during the Covid-19 pandemic. Due to the lockdowns and temporary closure of brick-and-mortar shops, consumers’ focus has shifted to the digital world. Composable commerce now delivers a new approach to digital commerce. But what is the common definition of ‘composable commerce’? And why should companies opt for composable commerce? I will answer these questions in my blog post.

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Digital Experience

With estimations now going past 50% of the world’s population using social media in 2021, and this number still constantly growing, it is crucial for businesses to be present on some of these networks. For pharmaceutical firms this means to take the next step closer to connect and interact differently and more directly with patients, their families and their impacted network as a whole.

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Digital Experience

For years, or even decades, every facet of e-commerce has been discussed long and wide. But recently, the term ‘digital commerce’ or ‘d-commerce’ has been creeping into the conversation. Is this just a new, digitally inspired name for an old concept? Or should we take a closer look at the definition of digital commerce? Where do these types of commerce differ and how are they similar? And how do be benefit from this knowledge going forward? To answer these questions, let’s take a little dive into the world of e-commerce and d-commerce.

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