adesso Blog

Digital Experience

I want to use this blog post to tell you about the dual-track agile framework, which pursues the goal of methodically aligning the different activities from conception to design to implementation within agile product development and bringing the team members closer together. The focus here is primarily on the adaptability of UX activities in terms of speed and granularity.

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Digital Experience

27.03.2023 By Xenia Wigandt

Beautiful world, where are you?

Picture Xenia Wigandt

The automotive industry faces a major challenge in combining offline and digital experiences to create a seamless customer journey. The buzzword “metaverse” has emerged as a possible solution to this challenge. I explain what this is all about in my blog post.

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Digital Experience

The online business is booming! Financial service providers must also adapt to this social change. But what do customers want and what can companies already provide today? The adesso Digital Commerce Study on Finance provides all the answers to this question. I want to use this blog post to describe to you two of the four subtopics as examples to give you an insight into the results.

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Digital Experience

The fact that the digital transformation has found its way into B2B sales is nothing new. There are more and more articles being published about the ‘Amazonisation of B2B’. This goes hand in hand with the need for sales organisations not only to (re)align their own processes to their customers’ needs, but also to always be on the proverbial ball as to how these are developing. This blog post will cover the developments in 2023 and what they will mean for sales and for you as sales (management) staff.

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Digital Experience

25.11.2022 By Axel Ziegler

#4 – Image tagging and image taxonomy

Picture Axel Ziegler

In this blog post, I would like to explore several basic approaches for tagging assets, whether in a digital asset management system (DAM) or in other systems where data and assets are stored.

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Digital Experience

We often only notice whether something is accessible or not when we encounter hurdles ourselves. This means that the majority of the population does not even notice that the Internet also has its pitfalls. Making a website accessible not only benefits those in the population with impairments – it can also provide SEO benefits, too. In this blog post, you will find out what accessibility on the Internet means and what legislation has already been passed.

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Digital Experience

Many service organisations use field service management solutions in their after-sales service. In my blog posts, I will explain what the status quo looks like in terms of field service management and exactly where the journey is heading.

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Digital Experience

09.11.2022 By Axel Ziegler

#3 – DAM Maturity Model

Picture Axel Ziegler

Having learned about the importance of digital asset management systems, the tasks they perform and the benefits they bring in the first two blog posts in this series, I would now like to use this third blog post to explain how to assess companies on how efficiently they manage their media.

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Digital Experience

Finding and retaining new customers can be a real challenge for many companies, especially in today’s digital world. The Internet offers near limitless options. Because of this, companies often find it difficult to market their products and services at the right time and place. Acquiring new customers is one of the main goals of every company, because they are needed to ensure the company can continue to grow. This blog post describes how companies can successfully generate leads using marketing automation.

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