adesso Blog


The increasing complexity of software systems calls for approaches that are new, modern and different. Domain-driven design is thus gaining more and more attention, as this approach is much more than just an aid for developing microservices. In this blog post, I will describe how domain-driven design can also be used in requirements engineering.

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21.03.2023 By Stephan Thies

adesso active transformation

Picture Stephan Thies

Companies can no longer avoid the migration to SAP S/4HANA. We want to standardise the transformation process with our active transformation – from strategic planning and organisational enablement to detailed planning and implementation. To this end, we have defined six stages with which we approach the S/4HANA migration process step by step. I want to use this blog post to present these six stages to you so you have a better understanding of our process model.

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Moving documents from a drive to SharePoint seems simple enough. Just copy and paste the documents and folders, and they are all available to you again a short time later. That means users can continue to work as they normally would, right? Not exactly, since metadata would have been the better option here. And I will explain why in my blog post.

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How can companies truly become more sustainable? Sustainability goals and voluntary commitments are proper and important, but many companies fail to put these plans into practice. In this blog post, you will be able to read about the challenges companies face when it comes to achieving sustainability goals and how digital technologies can help.

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06.03.2023 By Arman Kohli

The SMO as a centre of excellence

Picture Arman Kohli

ITIL 4 (IT Infrastructure Library) is giving the term service management office (SMO) a new type of special importance. Its namesake, the project management office (PMO), is already widely known and established. But what are the differences between these management offices, and what are their respective advantages? I will be answering this very question in the following blog post.

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In a rapidly changing environment, where needs, markets and technologies are changing at an ever-increasing pace, it is important not to lose focus and to adapt to the speed of these changes. This jungle can be described using the acronym VUCA – which is short for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity. In this blog post, we will explain exactly what this means and how to escape the VUCA world.

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This blog post answers the question of whether the greenfield or brownfield approach is the better choice and whether there even is a better or worse choice in this context.

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Legacy application modernisation is a much-discussed topic at the moment. It is an issue that concerns 90 per cent of mainframe users who are in search of a solution to their dependency on mainframes. Why is this an issue? What solutions are available on the market? What is the current situation today and what services can adesso transformer offer to replace legacy systems? Is there a one-size-fits-all approach to legacy application modernisation? I explore these questions in my blog post.

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It is not only the choice of method that teams use to embark on the journey to an agile working environment that plays a critical role in its success. The success or failure of many agile transformations is often down to a mysterious force in the company that is repeatedly addressed but the impact of which is regularly underestimated – the corporate culture. This blog post will explain how it can influence agility.

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