adesso Blog


25.07.2023 By Marc Mezger and Moritz Momper

The best Visual Studio Code extensions for Python developers


In this blog post, we would like to present the Visual Studio Code extensions that are indispensable in our day-to-day work as experts in the fields of machine learning, data engineering and AI. If you do not have the appropriate extensions, Visual Studio Code would not be a full-fledged integrated development environment (IDE). But with the right ones, you can save yourself a lot of work and become more productive as a developer.

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20.07.2023 By Arman Kohli

Servant Leadership

Picture Arman Kohli

Servant leadership is a modern leadership philosophy that focuses on the well-being of employees and achieving goals. It sees managers primarily pursue the idea of standing by their employees and supporting them in their development instead of relying solely on authority and control. I will explain exactly what this looks like in my blog post.

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In this blog post, I want to give an introduction to the AI models of the German company Aleph Alpha given the current attention that large language models such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT are attracting and how people are increasingly using it to solve natural language processing problems. I will explain why it is of great importance to have AI companies based in Europe and why the everyday use of ChatGPT can be problematic given that it is the product of a US company.

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Companies are faced with the challenge of managing their processes efficiently while ensuring flexibility and scalability in today’s fast-paced business world. SAP offers a two-tier approach that enables companies to optimise their processes and reap the benefits of SAP solutions: the Two-Tier ERP strategy. I will explain in this blog post more about the underlying concept of the SAP model and lay out the concrete advantages for companies.

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03.07.2023 By Kevin Pahlke

An introduction to Stable Diffusion

Picture Kevin Pahlke

Stable Diffusion AI is a machine learning method for generating high-quality images. A neural network learns the distribution of images by gradually adding noise and using the diffusion equation to reduce the noise. Prompts are short sentences or images that give the network an idea of what it should generate. This blog post will look at creating prompts and provide tips on how to create effective prompts.

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20.06.2023 By Mike Deecke

Organisational diagnostics

Picture Mike Deecke

Organisational diagnostics is an important process for measuring and improving the performance and effectiveness of an organisation. It enables an organisation to perform a comprehensive, in-depth analysis of its strengths and weaknesses, which it can then use as a basis for future improvements and changes. I will explain why this is important and how to apply it in my blog post.

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14.06.2023 By Guido Schmitter

The 3⁴ concept for organisational development

Picture Guido Schmitter

If we view organisation as more than just an administrative framework – namely a structure that has a purpose and creates value – then it becomes clear that finding a holistic approach to develop said structure is not easy. This blog post will introduce the 3⁴ concept for organisational development.

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The main achievement and benefit is the reduction of testing time from 14 person days to 80-90 minutes. This time reduction has a significant impact on our client’s development and delivery cycle.

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05.06.2023 By Kevin Pahlke

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs)

Picture Kevin Pahlke

A new trend has emerged among digital artists and collectors in recent years – non-fungible tokens, or NFTs for short. NFTs are digital tokens that represent ownership of a unique digital asset such as a piece of art, a music album or a tweet. This blog post will take a closer at NFTs and explain how they can be used.

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