adesso Blog


Support for people in need of care is coming – the first digital care applications (DiPAs) will soon be available! These smartphone or web applications may be reimbursed by nursing care fund. But what do I need to know to be able to develop a DiPA? Answers to this question are given in this blog post.

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09.01.2023 By Stephen Lorenzen, Maximilian Hammes and Jonas Schnorrenberg

‘Emergency Plan for Gas’ – What will happen if the emergency level is declared


We have already explained the early warning and alert levels of the Emergency Plan for Gas in previous blog posts. The next stage is the emergency level – but what does that mean? When will this level be declared? And how likely is it that it will be declared at all? This blog post will answer all of these questions.

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02.01.2023 By Jenny Gursch and Markus Felkel

Agile scaling and the challenges that come with it


Scrum, which is the best-known framework, promises to pave the way to agility if used correctly. The aim of this blog post is not to explain or define Scrum. Instead, we will be taking a closer look at the requirements and the challenges when it comes to agile scaling that need to be overcome to get a majority of a company’s staff on board.

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21.12.2022 By Sabine Fischer

The crux with the crutches

Picture Sabine Fischer

As a privately insured person, getting medical devices, such as a wheelchair, is often not easy – hours of phoning back and forth, asking about the availability of medical devices and having applications approved. There is an easier way! This blog post will describe exactly how.

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05.12.2022 By Simon Bächle, Ellen Szczepaniak and Zoe Holdt

Virtual power plants 2.0


A virtual power plant is an association of decentralised units that are coordinated via a common control system. The purpose of a virtual power plant is to sell the electricity and flexibility provided by the large network of aggregated installations through a single source. This blog post will explain where this idea originated and how it can be used in the energy transition.

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In this blog post, I would like to go beyond industry specifics and take a general look at the topic of sustainability based on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. With its Global Sustainability Agenda, the United Nations defines the elementary foundations and provides guidance for the sustainable development of society, politics and the economy.

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When it comes to company pension schemes, employees can demand that their employer use a part of their future earnings for their company pension scheme via deferred compensation. The German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, BMAS) wants to increase the contribution assessment ceiling for the year 2023. How and to what extent are company pension schemes affected by this change? What challenges does this pose for companies, employees, insurance companies and pension providers? And how can these be overcome? You can find answers to these questions in the following blog post.

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The electricity and gas crisis is at its peak. Reason enough for the German federal government to now take drastic measures to cushion the impact of the geostrategic conflict. On 29 September 2022, the government presented an energy aid package worth €200 billion. This blog post will explain what this astronomical energy aid package covers.

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19.10.2022 By Viyan Kofli

Competition among the CRM superpowers

Picture Viyan Kofli

Large companies are not the only ones using CRM systems. Smaller and medium-sized companies are already using them as well. But who are the big players when it comes to CRM system providers, and which hidden champions are the competition? This blog post will compare these big players and hidden champions and show which alternatives may be worthwhile for which companies.

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