adesso Blog


07.07.2023 By Juan Carlos Peñafiel Suárez

Is a single source of truth (SSOT) needed in the laboratory?

Picture Juan Carlos Peñafiel Suárez

Laboratories are working hard today to solve the problems created by the exponential increase in data. One promising approach is single source of truth (SSOT). In this blog post, I will explain the underlying concept behind SSOT as well as the advantages it brings.

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04.07.2023 By Amir Lettgen

AI-driven broker support

Picture Amir Lettgen

Having strong relationships with customers is indispensable for insurance companies in a highly competitive market. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) and modern business relationship management (BRM) systems opens up new opportunities to provide more effective support to brokers and increase customer satisfaction. In this blog post, I will explore two current trends – AI-driven dialogue systems and hyper-personalised customer experiences – and explain how they are revolutionising the sale of insurance.

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Many established SMEs in the manufacturing industry in Germany struggle with the challenge of using heterogeneous machinery: they operate machines made by different manufacturers, some of which are newer than others, and some of which are used more than others – all depending on their company’s individual history. If we are talking exclusively about digitalising and standardising these types of manufacturing environments in the sense of modern Industry 4.0 applications, then there is one question in the industry that is more pressing than any other: is a conversion or retrofit worthwhile at all?

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28.06.2023 By Ellen Szczepaniak and Felix Magdeburg

Mobility: Getting ready for 2050


Climate change, digitalisation and crises are forcing the hands of companies, organisations and governments. The EU Commission has set itself the goal of being climate neutral by 2050. There is not much time left and it is a tricky job. Inertia in the systems make change difficult. So what needs to be done to achieve these goals? Industries such as the energy and automotive industries play an important role. We need to realise a transition in the power, heat and transport sectors; and sector coupling and electrification are two relevant trends. We will look at mobility and, in particular, electromobility in this blog post.

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What is Generation Z’s attitude toward playing the lottery? In this blog post, you will learn why young people are more sceptical than previous generations and how the lottery industry is trying to win their attention.

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19.06.2023 By Olaf Neugebauer

How predictive maintenance reduces downtime

Picture Olaf Neugebauer

Employing predictive maintenance can effectively solve the industrial production nightmare caused by idle machines and expensive service calls and technician call-outs. In this blog post, I will explain how predictive maintenance can be used to reduce machine downtime and the amount of money spent on service calls.

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15.06.2023 By Stefan Rogge and Svenja Schröder

Sustainability regulations


Regulations require a great deal of time and effort, but at the end of the day, how can companies generate added value from their hard work? In this blog post, we will explore how regulatory changes are not only an obligation, but can also be an opportunity for insurance companies to take a leading role in shaping a sustainable future.

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Data innovations and data analytics use cases are an issue in the energy industry. Grid operators are sitting on mountains of unused data, meaning they are unable to properly exploit synergy effects and efficiency potentials. This blog post will explain how fully integrated processes, systems and data can help speed up the energy transition.

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While the first part of this blog series dealt with the technology of narrowband-IoT and in the second part I went into the specifics of communication based on MQTT-SN via NB-IoT, the third and final part of the series will focus on the aspect of security, which is critical for the Internet of Things.

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