adesso Blog


27.09.2023 By Ellen Volkert , Julia Schönauer and Melanie Truhöl

New agile – a balanced, hybrid work model


How we work has changed fundamentally in recent decades, a trend that was accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. These changes require new forms of work in companies that are focused on the evolving needs of employees. The term used to describe this is new work. Agile working is a form of new work. We explain what this is all about in our blog post.

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As part of the VideKIS research project, adesso is developing a virtual power plant comprised of decentralised renewable energy plants that uses an optimisation model to generate decisions regarding the sale of power for these plants. This blog post will use an example to present a process model for creating an optimisation model.

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Modern media companies are well aware that the ‘last mile’ is one of the most important steps in the production of dailies. If the paper comes late or it is not in perfect condition, readers will quickly become unhappy with the service. If this happens frequently, they will not wait long to cancel their subscription. In this blog post, I will describe how adesso optimises the last mile in newspaper delivery.

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15.09.2023 By Philipp Mader

A guide to the digital pension overview

Picture Philipp Mader

In this blog post, I would like to describe what the digital pension overview is, why the platform represents an important step towards greater transparent in retirement provisions and what changes insurance companies have to make to adapt.

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In an increasingly digitalised world where data is transmitted to other countries, it is essential that personal data is protected. This is especially true when it comes to the cross-border transfer of health data. In this blog post, I will explain what impact the Data Privacy Framework has on the transfer of health data between the EU and the US and what effect this has on how digital health apps are run.

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The growing number of heat pumps, photovoltaic systems and wallboxes for EVs that are installed presents energy suppliers and grid operators with the challenge of how to handle the deluge of requests for grid connections and extensions. In this blog post, I will show you how we can help our customers meet this challenge.

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Working on and supporting projects in the life sciences sector means dealing with a whole host of regulatory requirements. In this blog post, I will provide an overview of which standards, regulations, laws and guidelines might be involved and what impact they have on project management.

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Occupational pension schemes and occupational health insurance plans are often faced with the challenge of having to implement a digital solution. In practical terms, this means they have to prepare the corresponding tender documents (including a catalogue of requirements), define the evaluation criteria for the quotations they receive and choose which of the bidding companies they wish to go with. You can find out how adesso supports (prospective) customers during the tender process in my blog post.

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16.08.2023 By Juan Carlos Peñafiel Suárez

What is lab 4.0?

Picture Juan Carlos Peñafiel Suárez

Lab 4.0 is garnering a lot of attention at the moment – and rightfully so. It is more than just a passing trend; it marks a major leap forward in both technology and how we think on a societal level. But what exactly is lab 4.0? What are the goals being pursued with its rollout and what is the timeline on when they might be achieved? I explore these questions in my latest blog post.

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