adesso Blog


In the IT world, we are confronted with complex decisions on a daily basis - be it in architecture planning, technology selection or proposal management. Faced with limited rationality and an uncertain world, we often resort to heuristics: simple, quick decision-making strategies that offer effective solutions despite limited information. From "tallying" to "take-the-best" - in our new blog post, we introduce you to practical heuristics that will help you make smart decisions without getting bogged down in complexity.

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The switch to SAP S/4HANA requires a strategic realignment of the IT landscape. A clear strategy is crucial for optimising and future-proofing business processes. Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) aligns technical solutions with business objectives and supports transformation. This blog post shows how EAM ensures the success of S/4HANA transformation projects.

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Digital Experience

Influencer marketing has evolved from mere product placement to a platform for thought leadership. In my blog post, I describe how influencers use their expertise and credibility to build not only reach but also deep trust – especially in the B2B sector. Learn how thought leaders act as authentic and valuable voices in niche markets and help companies position themselves as industry leaders.

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Inside adesso

Ihr habt euer Studium abgeschlossen oder wollt in die IT-Beratung einsteigen, wisst aber nicht genau wie? Dann ist vielleicht ein Trainneeprogrammdas Richtige für euch. In diesem Blog-Beitrag teile ich meine Erfahrungen aus meinem absolvierten adesso orange SAP Traineeprogramm.

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The energy industry is in a state of upheaval: decentralisation, renewable energies and digitalisation are shaping the future. In this dynamic phase, adesso and CURSOR Software AG are setting an example with their partnership. Together, they offer energy suppliers tailor-made solutions for the digital transformation. In this blog post, I will explain exactly what this partnership is all about.

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The EU AI Act has come into force and brings with it far-reaching changes for the development and use of AI in Europe. Companies, public authorities and providers of AI systems must now prepare for the upcoming regulations and deadlines. Those who act now can avoid unnecessary risks and benefit from timely adaptation. In my blog post, you can find out which steps are necessary and which deadlines you need to keep in mind.

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Insurers are also modernising with cloud providers such as Amazon, Microsoft and Google. Global usage has increased thirteenfold since 2010. By 2025, revenues are expected to grow by 20 per cent to US$825 billion. In Germany, growth is estimated at 20 per cent. The use of cloud environments is standard, 'cloud first'. What are the challenges facing companies and how can they be tackled effectively?

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15.10.2024 By Milena Fluck and Daniel van der Wal

Creativity – Creative potential – Part 2


In the first part of the blog post, we showed what creativity is, which stages it goes through and how it has developed. In this part, we will take a look at the role of people and their creative potential in the creative process.

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14.10.2024 By Thomas Zühlke

Cloudy with a chance of apps

Picture Thomas Zühlke

The path to the cloud is diverse, the goals are often unclear, and each customer is at a different point on their journey and brings their own corporate culture with them. These are just a few of the typical challenges our customers face. With our adesso process model, we address precisely these hurdles and support our customers in migrating applications to the cloud, modernising applications or developing new cloud-native applications.

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